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This was a REALLY funny episode! We learned so much more than we needed to know about Jerry and both Beths! 😂

I WATCH RICK and MORTY AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea0def9a-afa3-4371-b126-964e1c6bea89




Honestly this episode got me so confused because I honestly don't know if Beth cheated on Jerry. I mean is it possible to cheat on you're spouse with yourself? Is it masturbation like you put it lad? Be it as it may, say what you will about Jerry but at least for once he maned up by not letting both Beth's lobotomies themselves for his sake. A weird thing him wanting to turn onto a bug bit nonetheless. But seriously cheating with yourself? Man that's so whack


And Jerry's decision to try the "hook up with oneself" route at the end is so perfectly Jerry! 😂

Peter Milligan

Of course the true question is would you do it with yourself if you could? I'm not sure I would tbh.


I wouldn’t… Just because I’m well aware that I’m gross! 😂

Lachlan Ferrand

I love the little show of the growth in the relationship between Rick and Jerry. In the beginning Rick couldn't stand Jerry and now they are getting drunk together


Yea, the little moments between characters are cool... Especially since all of them have their times of obnoxiousness. 😁

Lord Baldur

I gotta give this one to Jerry. He turned what what could have been a marriage-ending affair into a threesome. As for the age old philosophical question of whether or not it's incest or masturbation, it's neither. It's narcissism and that accurately defines Beth.