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Hakuryu left no doubt about Mom's eventuality! And now he's gone, after being denied by Mogiana. Interesting...

I WATCH MAGI AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY09XN14Y/magi



Lewd Angel

I gotta say, you've surprised me these last two episodes. Feel free to tell me if i'm off the mark, but i feel you've become...whats the word, desensitized? to certain things since we began our anime watching journey here. You've always had a soft spot for kids, and you knew these were children with some inkling they were being manipulated since the beginning of this mini arc, but you've had no real issue with harm coming to them, hell you were in support of the crew going on a rampage against them. Maybe its just situational, but i'm getting the impression you're not as attached to certain concepts as you used to be in the past. On a different note, was also interesting to see you stand against Alibaba when he went at Hakuryuu for killing mommy dearbreast over there. I don't think its overanalyzing at all to say he killed her to settle a personal grudge, she was going to die anyway, whether by the people or by the executioners block, beyond him just wanting to release some pent up rage, there was no need for him to get his hands bloody in murder. As he is, it wouldn't take much for Hakuryuu to slip down that slope of a revenge fueled psycho, killing her just seems like a another misstep on that road


Yup… Reading entirely too much into it. Regardless of basic feelings of right, wrong, just and unjust, everything is situational. If you think me understanding that murderous sorts need be stopped despite their age means I’ve adopted an overall “ fuck dem kids” attitude, I don’t know what to tell you.