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It's amazing, how many intense fights are taking place all at once! However, these shitbags looking to abduct Robin need to go!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece




So glad Kin'emon and Kiku are alive. I mean Kin confirmed it in a weird way and the story kind of, and no pun intended, made an asspull, but it's OP; what else should I or anyone expect? Apoo had a valid reason for turning on Kaido though, given that Queen put him through the ringer and considered him disposable. I mean it's what he deserved for what he did to Hawkins, Kidd, and Killer, but all the same. Drake is no fool though; he knows Apoo handles loyalty like a politician handles being honest and accountable. Orochi is no longer banking on a win imo, he's going MAD(Mutually assured destruction) He wants to kill everyone on Onigashima, even if his body is among the casualties. I also do believe Kanjuro is at long last perma dead; he used the last of his life energy to make that Kanzenbo creature. Of course this royally fucks the timeline for Momo and Yamato since they're trying to push back Onigashima and neutralize the explosives... If Kanzenbo get close to the explosives... YIKES!


When the split Kin'emon was first shown in manga, a lot of people were upset and calling Oda out for his bs. And I was just laughing and applauding Oda for the brilliant troll move he did 🤣

Lewd Angel

Any Devil Fruit powers are supposed to disappear once the user dies, so he's likely still holding on if his creature is alive

Lewd Angel

This is the part i will always criticize One Piece for, regardless of how much the fanboys will want to excuse it, Oda sucks ass at killing off characters. Which is strange because we had Ace and Whitebeard who were both hard hitting and narratively brilliant deaths. Then you get shit like Pell surviving a point blank nuke, Pagaya getting blasted off the face of sky island yet making it, Kanjuro getting 'killed' twice and living, and Kinnemon getting his skull split open and his body cut in half but yknow, still being able to live and, quite literally, talk out of his ass

Brother E

Yup! I had to been one of the very few that didn't believe Kinemon and Kiku were dead. So many people were adamant they were and I told them all is "show me the dead body". No way Oda was going to kill of Kinemon. So much copium from fans for weeks


its the will of P. next we will see pound and pedro make an appearance.


I think killing isn't necessary. The issue is Oda has killed some characters. And when he keeps creating fake out deaths, this calls every other death into question. Brown beard on punk hazard was shot 10 times in the face and the came back to sprint for a few miles. I think the lack of deaths would be fine if there weren't so many fake outs.


Fair, but I mean once Kanzenbo is dealt with thats it for Kanjuro.


Its funny this point is being made with FT on the horizon XD