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Come on, Itami; no way you can resist our little Dark Elf!... Even if she did kinda pull a sword on you...

I WATCH GATE AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gate-ce311a68-cf4d-417c-902d-a188af25a6b0



Phillip Ribbink

Yeah, when you think about it Itami would be a perfect representative of the JSDF at any peace talks that would take place between the Empire and Japan. He's a hero in Japan after his actions when the Empire first attacked. He fought at Alnus (though I don't imagine he distinguished himself much more than anyone who fought there, he probably did his part though), fought the Flame Dragon near Coda Village. And aided in the defence of Italica, alongside troops of the Empire. The man's a war hero, that sort of thing goes over well with a highly militarized nation like the Empire. Probably better than a Diplomat who's only credentials for the job are a University Degree, a certain amount of time in the Diplomatic service and knowledge of the language. (And sometimes they don't even have that last one).

Some guy named Chris

You can really feel that dark elf womans desperation, feel so sorry for her. Also, they needed to use the boy love art to pass the info onto the princess…not like it was the art she really wanted, not at all. Can’t blame her for that…

Mighty Snake

Man, I love Yao to death and would totally throw down with a fire dragon for her. but while I feel really bad for her I would probably have to side with the military here, which is tough because they're both in a rough spot. On one hand you could help Yao and save their village, but on the other hand not only would you have to fight a dragon, but if you're not careful you get stuck in a war right after and if you're lucky enough to survive both of those, then the asshole politicians will go after you for all of it which sucks.