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Okay, there's no doubt that King is a badass, but I'm really interested to se what we learn about him as his mask chips away!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece



White Lightning

Obviously no one expected Yamato to beat Kaido but she walked away with significantly less damage than anyone probably expected from that 1v1. She doesn't even really seem to be slowing down either.

Brother E

There’s a lot of things happening at once in this point of the arc, mainly the two things you pointed out in this episode are about Sanji and King. Remember Sanji has been saying his body is feeling odd since he was wearing the Raid Suit, so if you already saw the next episode you know why this is happening. Secondly, King’s mask is getting exposed. Remember King was said to be from a special race called ‘Lunarian’. So far we see King’s got a little bit of his forehead revealed. The tattoo you saw on King’s forehead is something you’re familiar with, BUT it’s not One Piece related (yet). The tattoo is a Laurel Wreath, you can tell by the pattern and curving of the symbol. The laurel wreath is Ancient Greek related and we know the Lunarians were somehow associated to a “Land of Gods”. So seems some kind of greek mythology is taken inspiration into the story. King’s race will be important to remember for later on. Anyways, only 2 more episodes until you are caught up and go weekly!!


The scariest part about Onigashima is that if Kaido believes he will die from the impact, he would welcome it since he wants to die anyways. He could not care less if he took everyone on the island with him alongside The Flower Capital. So Momo and Yamato need to plan around Luffy's fight with Kaido, but also succeed in less than 5 minutes; mind you thats 5 minutes anime time so yeh XD. Some say this is a 1v1 but in the grand scale of it all its Luffy, Momo, and Yamato vs Kaido and Onigashima. The island may not be alive, but it is the main Base of Ops for Kaido's crew. His "Golden Sunny" if you will.


Off topic brother E I know your a bigger name around here on he patron I been here since day 1 as well just less vocal cuz I just love the content no matter what it is but if there any way we can get a poll with Curtis for some to just pick a season of South Park or family guy for him to watch when he is in between anime that be pretty cool

Brother E

@Dr. Krieger I love South Park and Family Guy as well, especially since the newer seasons are coming out. I too would love Curtis to watch those. Unfortunately that is a decision Curtis will need to make himself. Remember there are polls and votes for many other series and not enough time im a day to watch everything. Only thing I can suggest is AFTER Rick & Morty is finished, we can see if Curtis wants to add another show on Wednesdays with The Office. But again it needs to be a group effort to suggest such a thing. You can always PM Curtis and he’ll always get back to you when he could.