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Could you guys also give me feedback on what type of diversity you'd like to see here?



Whatever you can do I'm here for. Reactions are what brought me but you are what kept me here

Phillip Ribbink

Not gonna lie, the Anime Reactions are what brought me here. If that's gone, I don't know if there's a lot keeping me here. I mean I'd still stop by for the streams and that sort of thing on YouTube. But Patreon would be hard to justify paying for since I don't usually watch the gameplay.

Lord Baldur

Hard to vote. I love dark humor, but the Goosh is where I go to see the series' you are watching.


Genuine question, is there a reason you don't consider adding movie reactions? I understand that copyright would be brutal if you uploaded them to YT, but for a Patreon-only perk, is there a reason you don't watch movies at The Goosh? I'm sorry if this is something you've already explained before. I'm sure you have ad nauseam, but I never understood why movies couldn't be a Goosh perk.


I would enjoy some more comedy content but the reactions are still the main draw for me.


Alongside gaming, and anime, what about just mixing in youtube video reactions here like you use to do in the past. For instance, meatcanyon, rdcworld, other animations, best of animes, funny videos, etc. I don't know if that would be a weird dynamic because of the youtube channel, but I use to enjoy those videos and you shouldn't have copyright problems.

David Paredes

Honestly I like the live streams don’t stop them but I personally love watching your reactions I also watch your other vids but reactions are my go to! Also where are you from and how old are you? 😌

Brqndvn Evcns

i like them all and the variety but the only thing i'm not a big fan of is compilation vids, which is more for youtube anyway


The gaming one is good We could do games where you go against people or be helping each other or do story ones, unique ones that might be horror based, mystery.