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Archer may have found his true calling! And he got there before our pal, Luffy, could even get there!

I WATCH ARCHER AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/archer-22b4b3c8-0827-42d2-a841-50e8f3464dc2



Miklar Sihn

He did it episode 24... And he only had it as a goal in a part of that... actually he never really made it a goal. Luffy is more than a 1000 episodes in, with that as his goal from the start and he is nowhere near the goal.


This pirate arc is one if my favourites in the series


Love your reactions, Curtis! I only wish that one day, you might post reactions to Amphibia! Some people might call it the underrated little sibling of Disney cartoons!

Henchman Twenty1

Told you you'd like the guest voice. It wasn't a Ruse. 😊 I also have mild tinnitus and sleep with a fan on. I thought I came up with that on my own, then Archer says it. Yay, I have a minor health issue in common with him!