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We've known that Zoro is a badass for a very long time! The thing is, he just keeps taking it to whole new levels!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece




This is where, well the manga first obviously, i found out that Oda is a Zoro fanboy. Because, I'm sorry for triggering some of ye, but he should have not been able to survive a combined attack of two Emperor's of the sea. Unreal, like Zoro but i call bullshite here. Great reaction as always lad

White Lightning

Yeah Zoro might be mvp on the roof top. He blocked a combined attack from two Emperors and it didn't seem like Law, Luffy, Kidd, or Killer combined had an answer. Granted it's assumed everyone else moved and Law then moved Zoro with his devil fruit power. Even Luffy was concerned about him, Law is questioning how Zoro is even alive, and then you have someone as rude as Kidd telling him "thank you".


I get that, but at the same time we really don't know how strong Zoro is. It's been a long time sine the timeskip but we gotta remember that this is arc the first time since then that we are seeing Zoro go all out in top condition with a new OP sword. Is this feat a stretch? Maybe. But just a few episodes ago Luffy tanked a blast breath with minimal injuries so I would also call that farfetched. Maybe these feats are not consistent with how strong they are or maybe Oda is just showing how much everyone has grown up to this conflict.


I get that lad, but can you really believe Zoro, no matter the training, could he have honestly survive a combined attack of Kaido and Big Mom? Like really really really believe that?

Brother E

A few things to mention from this episode: > I love how you referenced Ashura’s sacrifice as “He’s doing a Pedro!” That actually made me laugh. I’m stealing that line > Orochi survived because remember he has a Devil Fruit. He’s got the Orochimaru Devil Fruit. So he has 8 eights like an Orochi snake. Kaido only cut one head. > Marco is such a badass, amongst the alliance he has the 2nd highest bounty of 1.37 Billion. King’s got a higher bounty of 1.39 Billion and Queen’s bounty is 1.32 Billion. So Marco’s doing an impressive job fighting a 2v1. One of the many reasons why he was Whitebeard’s right hand man. > Zoro doesn’t actually block the attack, Toei messed up here and stretched put the scene. Although it’s still another badass moment. What actually happened in the manga is Zoro parries the attack, so barely managed to misdirect that combined Emperor attack. Then Law uses Shambles to move all of them away from the blast. > Luffy. His upper hand he’s referring is that the Ryou/Advanced Armor Haki is working on Kaido. That’s why when he mocked Kaido about dodging the attack it’s sort a confirmation for Luffy that his attacks are having an effect on Kaido. And just for the record Kaido is fighting all these badasses and winning while still using some power to lift the entire island and make it float. Truly one of the GOAT villains of all time!

Brother E

Hot Take: Mihawk would had neutralized that attack. So it makes sense that Zoro can fend it off even for a second. He’s got accomplish some feats to become the Greatest Swordsman someday. Today this was one of those feats.


Honestly sure. I would assume Zoro is on par with a Yonko commander like King or Katakuri if not stronger. I believe at that level he could hold off the blast long enough for Law to move them and sustain injuries from that. If he would have just completely tanked it then I think we would be going a bit far.


We both know what happened in the manga lad That's why I call bullshite And for E, i get he needs feats but just think about it, Zoro is not Mihawk. It's even debatable if Mihawk can deflect their combined attack. Zoro on the other hand is just a rookie who literally took a combined attack from two focking emperor's of the sea. That's why it's so bullshite to me. I know he's part of the protagonists' party but still. He should have been knocked out or blown away, not dead just literally blown away

Lewd Angel

To be properly specific, Orochi has the Yamata no Orochi devil fruit, i don't think it has anything to do with Orochimaru specifically, its a folklore and Kaiju reference.

Lewd Angel

I was fine with Zoro fending it off given the injuries he sustained, the Luffy blast breath shrug off was total bs tho, imho

Brother E

@Lewd Angel Yeah I know the story, I just mentioned Orochimaru just to make it as an easier comparison for Curtis. Try to keep it simple to fight off the concussions and memory-loss. Orochimaru is 1000% better than Orochi.


As for the part at the end with Luffy being happy Kaido dodged his attack, It was confirming what Luffy was saying in an earlier episode. Kid and Law were wondering if Kaido even takes any damage from their hits, since he keeps just getting back up like nothing happened. Luffy is adamant that their attacks have to be doing SOMETHING. But when Kaido dodges Luffy's red hawk, he just proved Luffy right, and that Kaido at some level does not want to get hit if he can help it. At least in this point in the fight, after taking the amount of hits that would have killed most other people, It seems that they are making some kind of progress. The fight is winnable, at least hypothetically.


i love the animation style they used for marco's attack on queen, seems like we're gonna get more and more of it too


Kaido&Big Mom: "HAKAI!" Me: "Hey, that's Beerus' attack, don't go stealing it, even if you are pirates!" And Zoro blocking it is like you said, basically another "nothing happened" moment. 😎


RIP Ashura, First of his name, Samurai of the Akazaya Nine, and member of True Shogun Kozuki Oden's Daimyo. And now his voyage is ended, I remember being a bit pissed(Not out of a criticism stand point) that Kanjuro was alive. I wanted him dead dammit, even though he is still slowly dying. Orochi surviving I kinda figured would happen since from a story-telling perspective it's not good pay-off to let Kaido get the kill. That honor should go to the Akazaya Nine, preferably Kinemon or Denjiro; or both. Yes, both is good! =D Zoro always does badass stuff, but he also always pays the price. Dood has more scars than IQ points. Still impressive blocking a combined attack from two emperors and living to tell the tale.


Lewd, agreed. It's not like Zoro did it effortlessly, he BARELY survived that attack. In fact, I'd say he's probably out of the fight for a while.