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Wow! This "sensei" is one creepy little shit!

I WATCH RANMA 1/2 AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/ranma-12/




so... that dog that turned into a guy in episode 30 is actually a Urusei Yatsura cameo lol, the boy looks just like the main character Ataru, kind of fitting given Ataru pretended to be a dog to get a girl once, and Shampoo's face is very similar to Lum's, we'll get back to that series eventually, also my minds a bit fuzzy on the details, but I'm pretty sure the dojo destroyer didn't really talk in the manga. So you've finally met Happosai lol, basically master Roshi/Jiraiya but less redeemable as a person, Rumiko's always liked adding dirty and pervy characters to her series, Akemi from masion ikkoku , Ataru form urusei yatsura, Miroku from Inuyasha there's always one lol, but the others have a lot more depth and likeability to their characters, Happosai is just full on jackass and raging perv for laughs, well to be fair there is a few stories were he does some likeable stuff I guess.


There comes a moment in every anime fans life when you realise the master Roshi perv archetype is actually just creepy and honestly disgusting Some do it well like master roshi and Jiraiya who have more to them but 90% make me just cringe


Yea, it will be interesting to get to know him more... First impression is that he's really off-putting. 😁

Charlie baker

When I first watched I had enough background on the show to dread happosai arriving but honestly he wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting most of the time

Charlie baker

And personally Akane was always cuter to me , shampoos looks were always tempered by her attitude too much for me lol