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We've seen a lot of freaky things in the universe on these adventures. Is Morsummer (or Summerty) the freakiest?!

I WATCH RICK and MORTY AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea0def9a-afa3-4371-b126-964e1c6bea89



Brqndvn Evcns

i think this might be the most universally hated episode of rick and morty, i imagine they lost a lot of fans with this one lmao


Really? I didn't think it was that bad of an episode. Cringey as hell, but after all, it is Rick and Morty! 😂


this is weird to admit, but after game of thrones I've become so numb to incest stuff, at least in terms of shows, that I wasn't even bothered by this episode...

Daniel Gonzalez

Not because of GoT but yeah similar I was actually surprised about all the backlash it got I like but why


TFS Android 17: I was not ready for today. TFS Android 18: I don't think any of us were.


Well you had incest, technical bestiality, and this episode was just weird. I did not hate or dislike it, as Rick & Morty often pushes the boundries it wants to on top of just being a cartoon. Was it offensive? No. Should people be upset? No. Was it weird as hell? Yes.


Yea, I'm with Jynx on this one. It was tremendously cringey and weird, but it's Rick & Morty so I'm not surprised and certainly not offended.


Chuddley duddley ho ho ho!!


i mean id eat horse meat. id eat a lot of things that are meat that would get me looks.


This episode makes me think of the Dr. Doofenshmirtz nickel meme. "If I had a nickel for every time Morty pleasured himself with a machine and ended the episode as a father, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice!"