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Now with this military grade hardware along with Sandy, David may be much more than anyone expected to handle! And his time may be short!

I WATCH CYBERPUNK EDGERUNNERS AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/81054853



Miklar Sihn

Yeah, Arasaka said they were expecting this to be a stalemate. They expected the runners + the cyberskeleton to equal that militech force. David just overperformed a bit.

J Johnson

Yea, it was dumb that Arasaka didn't have a kill switch or something built into the cyberskeleton that could shut it down remotely. They got the overpowered weapon they wanted, and then gave it to someone who wants to wreck them. I'm wondering how they were planning on using this system after they mass produced it, given that it needs a highly compatible person to use it in the first place and it burns them out after one good run. Even if they see the operator as expendable, finding replacements is going to be an issue. Even worse if the operators go cyberpsycho before they finally die and end up doing something other than the mission they were given.

Miklar Sihn

I am gonna guess that it is in the prototype stage and would actually end up being used for full borg soldiers. There arent many of those, it is hard to get test subjects that are full borg. But all the full borg soldiers are already cyberpsychos and basically get the drugs injected in their brains. So they wouldnt have the same problems handling the weaponry.

Phillip Ribbink

Really the team has nothing to lose by sticking with David. Arasaka's probably got them all scheduled to be killed over the whole Tanaka incident. Might as well throw in with a guy with a death-wish, next-gen Cyberware, teetering on the brink of Cyberpschosis.


I always got a little sad after I first watched this episode. Because it was plain to me now that David was on barrowed time and the whole crew was basically at it's last stand. Excited to see where it all ends.