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I definitely get why Willie liked this episode. It was fun, funny and really cute!

I WATCH LOVE AFTER WORLD DOMINATION AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GEXH3WG78/love-after-world-domination 



Schmul Sjifris

This series is great! I'd advice against taking Willys subjective opinion at face value. Shame he didnt like it all that much but plenty of people do

Chandler LaDeau

Yeah, I really do like the show, but Willie is kiiiinda right lol. It's a show worth your time at some point, it's definitely good enough to be worth completing, but it isn't really good enough to spend $100 a month on lol. Not everything has to be even an 8 out of 10 to be worth your time, I'd still say give it a shot on your own time if you have the free time for it.