House Of Spaz - A Romantic Side? (Patreon)
2016-10-06 20:50:03
Our "House Of Spaz" series here at Patreon is videos designed to share some of Spaz Kid's and my personal life. As many of you know, my wife is camera shy and doesn't particularly care for having herself "out there" in videos. However, she was willing to make an exception for you guys, who have been so good about supporting our channel.
Back in 2012, my wife, Spaz Kid and I went to Disney World. I had a plan in mind that was related to a favorite song of my wife's and mine, "Cupid". While we were at Disney, I had Spaz Kid taking video of us, and I kept trying to force my wife into randomly dancing with me. She had no idea why, but it was with an eye towards making this video for her when we got home.
When we got back and I put it all together, she watched it and cried. It's become a very favorite memory for all of us, and I wanted to share it with you guys. :-)