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Hey, Gang!...

Sorry I've been a bit neglectful here at Patreon; just got caught up in a bunch of stuff.

I'm getting Discord set up (Thanks, Dor Cohen) that will be exclusive chat for us here. Also, I feel bad about having neglected you guys, so in the next few days I'll be posting a vid that's gonna be a giveaway. I'll be randomly picking a name on-cam, and giving the winner a choice of two items that are things I've personally created.

Thanks for being patient with me, guys!




Doctorwhoinfinity (Dor Cohen)

Thanks for the shout out it will be nice to have a chat with you and all the other patreons


How does one get added to this chat?


This particular giveaway has already concluded, My Friend, but I'll be doing another one soon over at the Rauha message board. :-)