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I thought Kaido would immediately squash Luffy, but, even though the dragon has the advantage, enraged Luffy has got in some shots!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece




Luffy does seem to be doing quite well here against Kaido. In the manga this fight goes even more so in Kaido's favor though. I think Kaido is still drunk too lol.


Lad, no matter how much Luffy punches Kaido or if this fight is awesome, which it is, like the narrator says "if it's a one on one always bet on Kaido." This fight also proved to everyone that Luffy has balls of steel, which is ironic since he's made of rubber.

J Johnson

A little frustrating as a manga reader as this whole episode is basically half a chapter of the manga (like 20 seconds of reading). Normal pace for most anime is 2 full chapters as one episode. The anime studio really does their best to draw out things as much as possible heh. "oh, you wanted to see a showdown between Luffy and Kaido, here's a 20 minute tease, and now wait another week."

Brother E

Toei fucked up here! In the manga Luffy and Kaido DONT have a full out fight like this. What happens is Kaido is drunk and Luffy starts hitting him with everything but Kaido tanks all of it. Then Kaido turns backs to human form and one shots Luffy. Drunk Kaido defeats Luffy with ONLY ONE HIT!

James West

Just a reminder but we should be approaching the end of Act 1 in a few episodes, so we should be heading into one of those outside of Wano episodes quite shortly.


You said you were surprised by luffy just keeping up with him? Well ya should be lol, not how it goes in the manga, as someone else said, luffy beats on kaido a bunch, then kaido 1 shots luffy when he fights back.


We hope to see you tomorrow for the last episode of one piece ever. It was quite a fun ride wasn't it


I can't even imagine what you guys went through, having to wait a week between episodes. I'm so spoiled, being able to watch like this!

Lewd Angel

I need to point something out because i see everyones talking in the comments about it, Curtis should be always at the very least 1 episode ahead so this isn't a spoiler by any means. Or, in case you aren't ahead enough to have seen the next episode Curtis, i'd suggest not reading the rest of the comment. Yall do realize that Kaido DOES in fact one shot Luffy here, right? I see people saying how he wailed on Kaido, then Kaido transformed and one shot Luffy. This is exactly how it plays out in the anime, only difference being that the anime drew out the fight for like 20 minutes, the progression and end result is still the same. If anything, anime makes more of a point to make Kaido look untouchable, because an enraged Luffy in Gear 4th slammed him down for a good 20 minutes and it did absolutely nothing. Then, in his strongest form, Luffy gets one shot out of the fight completely. Don't really get how the anime made this fight seem more in Luffy's favor at all personally.


Dude you need to a chill pill and relax lol People are right though, this fight actually was unnecessarily dragged out. It’s a cool episode but it also makes Kaido look a bit weaker than he actually is. The actual fight is Luffy hitting him and Kaido just hits him once and the end. Anime definitely overdid somethings here


Everyone can certainly have their own opinion on something. I like the idea the anime staff was going for, pitting Luffy against Kaido in a brief scuffle to demonstrate Luffy's tenacity and drive, but also dislike how long it has lasted. If I had to give this episode another, slightly further in the story, endpoint; I would have it end right where Kaido changes into his normal form *spoilers for the next episode which Curtis has seen and has been out for over a year*. We're all aware that the anime has been taking liberties in order to pad the runtime, but the pacing of the manga, admitted by Oda's staff themselves, has been picked up pretty dramatically since we've started Wano. Some of the implied gaps and easy-to-fluff moments are gonna get a little attention from the anime. Sometimes, as evident in this case, it causes fans/viewers to get a different impression than what the manga, in its more concise storytelling, gave off, be that good or bad.


I legit wonder if Kaido felt any of that LOL


So a dragon and a rubber man walk into a bar. The dragon gets drunk as hell and Rubber man picks a fight with him. I was asked if the dragon won, but I just told them that Rubberband man just snaps back :P


It looked impressive, but yea, it could just have been the excessive alcohol that made him stay down for a bit. 😄


I think Luffy got SuperSaiyan-esque rage power boost while Kaido was stammering drunk and that's why the fight is going fine so far...