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For being a character I didn't think I'd like, watching Angela's struggles is really tough on the feels!

I WATCH CAROLE & TUESDAY AT NETFLIX:  https://www.netflix.com/title/80992137



Some guy named Chris

Yeah, this one was a heart breaking. And what a cliffhanger. Shame you gotta wait until next month for the next, though I’m thinking I wanna put both my requests into finishing Carole and Tuesday for November.

Daniel Gonzalez

So I hear good things about this show and not to be rude and talk about other shows but where's the best place to do feedback on G100 series on the posts themselves or like the community posts section?


It's amazing how much I've grown to care about Angela. I didn't think I'd like her at all when we first met her, but it's really hitting my feels hard, watching what she's going through!