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This relationship between Emilia and Subaru is SO cool! They are SO close, yet so far!

I WATCH RE:ZERO AT CRUNCHY: https://beta.crunchyroll.com/series/GRGG9798R/rezero-starting-life-in-another-world-




And now we’ve seen the real Subaru, the selfish egotistical ass hole. This episode really makes his comments earlier like “women have a duty to dress up and please the eyes of men” and “ men are about guts women are about beauty” cast a whole new light I know he was defending Emilia, but as she proved seconds later she didn’t want nor need him to do that but he still wouldn’t listen Subaru definitely wasn’t doing it for Emilia, that may be how he justifies it to himself but in reality he just wants to be the strong hero who gets the pretty girl, he doesn’t really care about what Emilia thinks or tells him to do because he is assuming he’s the main character of a show so what he does is correct And if Julius wasn’t kind and never made a spectacle of beating the shit out of him, he’d have every knight in Lugunica after him for his outburst, he doesn’t think anything through because in his mind, he’s the hero, he’s done 2 good things so everything else in his life has to be correct is how he sees it. But now he’s forced to not only realise he isn’t in the right but he didn’t die either so he can’t redo it One of my favourite lines in the series is: “the version of me that exists in your head must be amazing, she can understand everything, even if you don’t explain it to her. She can feel all your pain, sadness and anger as her own” because it sums up Subaru to a T, he has deified Emilia so much in his head, that she is the personification of perfect, and yet he still thinks he deserves to be by her side and disregard her feelings because in his mind he is her hero which means she has to treat him a certain way, which is the “debts” he talks about in his final rant, but because Emilia doesn’t “repay those debts” he lashes out, when in emilias head Subaru was just a kind person who helped her out, not a hero, not a knight but just a friend, and friends are meant to help each other, so Emilia can’t understand him wanting payment if he doesn’t ask for it since to her, the idea of only helping people for gain is just a foreign concept Subaru is my favourite character In fiction btw, I’m not hating on him, just pointing out how disgusting of a character he is here he


That's why Subaru my favorite Isekai protagonist, because he actually feels like are real person with flaws and all, instead of the majority of the other isekai protagonist who are nothing more then flawless human beings or a self inserts for the viewers.


I lovingly refer to this as the "oh Subaru please stop oh god please just stop" arc of the story.


He's definitely a very "human" character... Full of flaws, but also likeable and principled at times.

Lewd Angel

Sorry if im gonna sound like an asshole but i have to heavily disagree with 90% of that statement. You've either been seeing Subaru in a different show than i have or there's a misconception of his character happening due to some reason. Subaru is anything but egotistical, that's flat out wrong, as was Julius for calling him arrogant. He admits he has nothing as grandiose as resolve and that he isn't strong, but rather shows his determination (which is the same thing as resolve really, showing he has humility) in doing anything he has to or becoming as strong as he needs to in order to make her the ruler despite the denials Julius throws at him. He had every reasoning and excuse to get into the royal selection meeting due to his past experiences, as was proven by what happened there. He was 100% justified in lashing out as he did when the Council farts were insulting Emilia just based on how she was born looking, and even moreso for telling Julius to fuck off because he got arrogant with him over Subaru's statement (ironic given thats what he called Subaru). Being a knight is far more than years of rigorous training, its being devoted and principled to the cause you pledge yourself to beyond all else (In Subaru's case, Emilia). THAT is Subaru to a T, the man literally killed himself and went through death several times over just to save the people he cared about. He openly admitted to not being strong when challenged, and was willing to put his life on the line to help Emilia succeed in becoming a ruler. So Julius calling him arrogant over it and saying he 'makes light of their chivalry by calling himself a knight' is a massive crock of petty-pride fueled shit, imo. As is calling it 'kind' that he beat the crap out of him because he got some stuck up knights' panties in a bunch. What Subaru goes through for other people throughout this series is the epitome of chivalry. And yes, he did it all for her sake, i think because he ignored what she told him to do people assume his reasons for what he did are selfish and self-centered, which is strange to me because his actions prove literally the opposite. She absolutely needed his help, even if she didn't want it. Sometimes the help we receive is unwanted, but that does not make it unneeded. Hell even one of the Council members indirectly proves this by saying "Thanks to him we can see you're not a threat". Its because of his outburst in the chamber that they stopped their 'half-devil' fearmongering ramblings. "He did 2 good things"? He literally DIED over and over again to save their lives, i'd say that's a lot more than 2 good things, as it severely underwhelms and dismisses everything Subaru has done so far. And he sure as hell wouldn't have the resolve to go through all the pain and anguish he did if he was doing it all on the basis of being a self centered 'hero' in is own tale. He would've given up and quit a long time ago, death reveals people for who they truly are, if he can go through it so many times and still think of other's there is no better proof. The one thing however i do agree with is his outburst about 'debts', where after placing Emilia on a perfect pedestal of understanding, and not realizing shes a normal person, he lashes out because he realizes she doesn't fit that pedestal. Which as people point out is him being very human and flawed, and in my eyes elevates him far above other isekai protagonists as a character. It was a pretty fucked up outburst that Emilia did not deserve. Even that, however, was understandable, as after he died several times for her and cannot say anything about it under literal pain of death he's being berated for 'not telling her everything', every person has their breaking point and he simply reached his. That's why i feel that calling him egotistical, self centered and disgusting, after the series makes such a strong point of making him a normal person under unimaginable duress, is flat out incorrect. After writing this i've sort of gotten a feeling for why your perception of Subaru could be the way it is, as i've come to think you've might've misread Subaru somewhat extensively during the show and instead of looking at the character as a whole and taking into account his actions, you use individuals situations and quotes to fit your narrative of what you believe he's like. Again, just my assumption, not trying to put words into mouths.

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

I wouldn't say any negative aspect of someone defines who they "truly are" but yeah, he definitely has some flaws

Brian Dorchak

I strongly disagree Lewd. Archbishops analysis was extremely accurate.

Donna Suggs

Yea, out of all the great characters in Re Zero Emilia is easily my least favorite. She is just kinda a plastic bag personality wise to me. But I absolutely love her in this episode. She was right that he did all of this for himself. He wants to make her the ruler so that she loves him. Now maybe she is a bit too slow on the uptake to realize that’s the reason but she knows there is one and it’s more about him than her. U gotta think to her this guy shows up one day completely devoted to her for no reason. Time goes by and he just keeps injecting himself into every element of her life in the same way that a stalker would. She is too kind to turn him away but I’m so happy she stood up for herself here.