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Can this girl's kindness and struggles actually make Gabi see that maybe not everyone here is a "devil"?

I WATCH ATTACK ON TITAN AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GR751KNZY/Attack-on-Titan




So many people hate on Gabi by this point in the series, but I just can't bring myself to dislike her. Seeing her like this makes me sad, not angry because at the end of the day this is the result of growing up in the circumstances she did

Raphael Lyons

Gabi is like what would eren be if he grew up in the eldian settlement in Marley


In this situation there is no right, everyone is a dick. The whole planet needed to go to see a therapist. Also fuck gabi

Brother E

I really appreciate how perfectly placed the Slapstick scene with Gabi and the horse was presented. Throughout the episode it was intensity all over Paradis and then adding in that bit of comedy actually added more value to the episode as a whole. Small details like that really shows you know your viewing audience


"In this situation there is no right, everyone is a dick." Yea, I gotta say, that definitely fits into the sad but totally true category.


Gabi has one of the most interesting character arcs to me. Seeing someone brainwashed and indoctrinated from an early age into believing these people within the walls are evil devils, and then through these circumstances having her entire world view confronted.

Algirdas Žarskis

Don't know if you realised this, but the woman who saved the farm girl when she was little was Sasha.

Florian Krause

Ah too bad, it seems his memory went for a strike when he didn't recognize that Gabi and Faco were invited by Sasha's family.