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As most of you guys know, I'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow. I have all our daily vids already prepared in advance, and I'll be uploading on our regular schedule. Depending on what we're doing, the time of the uploads may fluctuate a little, but not any big differences. We've watched all our amazing G100 vids for the month. (Thank you, G100 crew again for the insanely cool lineup we have!) The only exception is our, Pal, Marvel Knight came in with one yesterday, but I'll post that one for us when I get back; it will likely be up on the 31st.

Thank you guys again SO MUCH for all the support here! This community is my life blood!! 😊

I won't be incommunicado, as I ALWAYS am around here, reading comments and enjoying the fun and camaraderie. The only difference is, I might not comment quite as often and PM responses may be a bit slower, but nothing keeps me away from here. THE GOOSH is my home and you guys are my family!

I'll be talking to you all real soon... And if anyone has any questions related to anything that goes on around here, always feel free to post in the "Community" tab. One of our regulars will almost always have an answer for you.  



Take care and have a safe trip! :)

Lewd Angel

Have fun, don't grope Mickey...too much...


We got to remind him that Steamboat Willies are on sale this weekend from good ol' Mickey Mick!


Legendary that you work harder for a week or two to get ahead so we don't feel the difference


Enjoy your vacation!


I hope you're having a blast in a much earned vacation :)