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The strategies and dynamics of this fight already make it one of the best for me!




I can honestly say this is one of my favourite fights as well. It's not as flashy as the one against bryan hawk but it's a lot more realistic. They worked in the check left hook, jabs, counters, brawling, body shots, dirty play, stamina, spirit, cuts etc. perfectly in this one. A mixture of high level boxing which includes both clean boxing and rough fighting. It's less anime power style and geared more towards real life boxing. Also, they show that a true pro will target the opponent's weakness. If Eagle not going for the cut was for sportsmanship, it actually has the opposite effect and shows disrespect to the opponent (that's why Takamura was getting angry). To show your opponent the most respect, you fight him to win at your 100% and go for his weaknesses; that's the message I think the show was trying to give off in this episode.


The headbutt was an accident Takamura's swing was too huge he ended up colliding head first with David Eagle. The manga pages make it much clearer it was an accident, also everyone including the ref and announcer realize it was an accidental butting. The last 5 pages of this chapter show that to be the case. Also cheating is not in Takamura personality because he respects boxing too much to do that. https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Hajime-No-Ippo-chapter-549.html


Yea, that's why it was never much of a concern for me, because we all know that Takamura might have a douche personality, but he's all about the honor of boxing!


I like David's thought that Takamura is a true pro. He doesn't hold it against Takamura for going for his blind spot, despite it coming from an accident. On Takamura's side, he'd never cheat, but part of his respect for the sport is using that accidental cut to his advantage.


This is why George Morikawa is one of the greatest Mangaka of all time. He draws so much from real life that its amazing. What Takamura was doing was an old George Foreman tactic that you can actually look up. Giant wide swings condition an opponent to have to tighten up and completely avoid rather than block/parry because of the sheer force while also giving the opposing boxer a false sense of timing. It's not a very popular strategy because of the drawback of possibly taking shots to set it up, but the pay off is tremendous. When Foreman would throw those wide hooks and giant uppercuts, he was not only conditioning his opponent, but he was also intimidating the shit out of them. Then all of a sudden, something short and crisp comes out of the blue and before they know it, the opponent is severely hurt by something they never saw coming. It's fucking brilliant man.


He even did the "Mummy Stance" that Ali made fun of Foreman for. Thats how you KNOW Morikawa is a student of the sport through and through