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Okay, Gang, I know a bunch of us have had various issues with MEGA over the past week or so. I've been doing a lot of research, and what seems to be the case is that MEGA, of course, uses a huge number of servers. Depending on which server a file gets placed (How full that server is, how much load, etc.) has everything to do with the video's performance.

Unfortunately, there are no quality alternatives right now to MEGA. Yes, there are other file sharing services, but none of quality that would give us a decent sense that they won't just stab us in the back and take down our vids, as what happened with Vimeo.

I know many of you were having trouble with the One Piece upload today. So, as kind of a test, I deleted that vid, then uploaded the exact same file again and replaced the URL in the description. It's likely that the file is now on a different server at MEGA, so I would appreciate it if some of you guys could go check it out and see if the vid loads better now.

The post is: https://www.patreon.com/posts/howd-that-taste-50058721


Brother E

Ironically enough, I am currently watching that video and was trying to download it instead. FORTUNATELY the reposting of that video did in fact solve the buffering issue. Talk about PERFECT timing

J Johnson

That seems to have fixed it, getting very good dl speed now for one piece. baka test is still slow though.

Jack Peaceful

Video loaded perfectly after the reupload, Mega really shit the bed today.

Lewd Angel

Video started up quicker than a crackhead smelling meth, and i've had no buffering issues. Thanks a bunch, Curtis!

Charlie baker

Other reactors like theflaming shark will do a backup by uploading the file on 2 sites like mega and bitchute to help with issues like this and ensure reaction links dont get thanos snapped like what used to happen to drive reactions. I haven't had the issues personally but thought it might be worth sharing

Anime Wulf

As I also use MEGA for my own reactions, was also wondering why it was running slow. The downside to this, is still the fact that a video could still be placed on a loaded server at random multiple times before the issue gets resolved. [Unless MEGA devs figure out a way around this.] Luckily for this test video, seems to have fixed it. I'll have to do more testing on my end as well to see how frequent a video gets placed on a loaded server. --------------------------------- Loaded Server Workaround: --------------------------------- I went to the inspect console (Chrome) for the video page (ctrl-shift-i) > network > reloaded page The stream waterfall (how much data is streamed over the network to your computer at one time) is running at 1 waterfall at a time up to about 4.2MB of data at a time which on the loaded server is taking anywhere from 10-20 seconds where it should be taking less than 1. [Very frequent buffering when videos are 700MB-1GB file size.] I found that by repeatedly pressing play/pause (space bar) forces a new waterfall for every time you do this, which increases the rate at which data is streamed to the buffering at one time. I found that anywhere from 80-100 waterfalls in stream queue pretty much alleviated all buffering for me on the loaded server. Note: Network speed may also play a factor in this [Example: How much speed a user pays for with their internet provider.], so your waterfall times could be much higher or lower then others. However, by having multiple waterfalls at a time vs 1 should still decrease buffer times.


Curtis = 🐐


Still struggling to access the vid. I'm getting a video unavailable/temporary error notification...


Never mind - suddenly decided to work. Very temperamental.

Chandler LaDeau

None of the videos are working for me, I can't get Clannad or my G100 to work

Anime Wulf

Yup Clannad is down for me as well, will keep checking back

Chandler LaDeau

I managed to get it to work by actually downloading the MEGA app and watching it from there, which is a pain because the app is kinda bad, but it's better than not watching it at all I suppose

Jacob Crooks

Yeah, none of Mega seems to really be working at the moment. It wouldn't surprise me if one of a couple of agencies were restricting access for one reason or another. They're going the way of pornhub, me thinks.


💥Feedback💥 I just tried it and it seems to be working now.

All Might

It's not bad if you download the files. Which is what I've been doing.


I'm REALLY hoping that MEGA has been doing some maintenance over this past week or so, and that this isn't a permanent thing!


its working now


Same I load up episodes from like a week and I enjoy them when i have time