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It has become legitimately hard to start a new episode! I feel like I need to see this through, but it's destroying me!

I WATCH CLANNAD AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GRKE3X99R/Clannad




The screenshot alone is enough to get me overwhelmed by feels all over again


This episode pissed me off so much that it took me months to finally sit down and watch the last episode

Lachlan Ferrand

Come on they must be running out of onions to chop at this point

Freddy Jimenez

Even before watching the anime here with everybody watching the scenes just alone without any contacts is still sad.


I get that completely, I never watched Clannad, and still haven't, but I did come to see the end here and it gets me crying. I will eventually watch it, it's just my list of anime rn is so backed up, as what I do is I start and anime, then switch to my game collection that's also backed up and then finish a game, and I've been alternating between the 2 to make a but of progress here and there.

Andy Plays All Night

I feel like this is another episode that could have done without the jarring ending song, with what happened in this episode and knowing who is walking at the very beginning of that ending lol

Max Starr

So, the worst has come to pass. Tomoya has lost his lovely, sweet daughter Ushio after having lost his beloved wife Nagisa. After making the attempt to grant her last wish of a trip with him to the field of flowers, he now lies alongside his lifeless child in the snow. Meanwhile, in the other world, the Hidden World, the girl and the robot are attempting to continue their own journey through a melancholic snowfield. It doesn’t look like it’s going much better for them, though. What a parallel. But what could it mean? Journey’s almost over, Curtis.


Bambi doesn't have shit on Clannad lol. But honestly very impressed Curtis, I thought for sure this would be the episode that made you cry 👏🏽


For me, this is WAY sadder than Bambi!... Of course, I grew up in a family of deer hunters, so... :-D

Chandler LaDeau

Do you understand how Clannad achieved its legendary status of saddest anime of all time yet, Curtis? This will be probably my 5th or 6th time watching through the whole series and even still I can't help tearing up when it happens. Knowing it's coming ahead of time doesn't help.


Oof! This was one of the most brutal emotional beatdowns I've ever experienced in any form of entertainment!


Man, not even the brutality of this shows gets you to cry. I think we got it all wrong and need to show you the complete opposite so you can shed tears of joy!


To be honest, I cannot watch this show in its entirety after my first watch many years back. I'm surprised I managed through this episode. Once we got to "the scene" here I was snickering while watching your reaction play out. Little did I know my snickering turned into cries and during half the time Ushio's scene played out, I was wiping my tears because I couldn't see.. lol


Ditto. (also reading your comment made me want to say terribly pun, but I'll refrain.)

Charlie baker

This shit hit back in the day way too hard