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This was really fun and entertaining! I can't believe there's only two episodes!

I WATCH DRAGON HALF AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GYK5X1NGR/Dragon-Half 




Ooh. If that thumbnail is anything to go buy, this should be a good one

Michael Aagaard Nielsen

BennettTheSage has a video on Dragon Half, and from what i remember of the video (his video came out, quite some time ago), it never got more than two videos due to monetary reasons. As a side note. If or when i get around to sponsor Gunsmith Cats, then i do plan to include the video he did on it, at the end.

Cetacean Needed

Oh man, this takes me back. It's always been disappointing that they never made a full series of this. I found the manga for it back in... like 2005 or so, and it's just such a fun series that it would've been popular. Oh well, at least the music is still fun.


It WAS really cute! I'd never heard of this show before. I did a little research and read that there were supposed to be 4 episodes originally, but there wasn't enough interest. (Which is a shame. I love this kind of 4th-wall breaking humor.) They did make a game though...