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Barf-Boy's fight strategy is definitely not on the friendly side of the rule book, but it's clearly his only shot.




Honestly, Ippo's naivete is his biggest weakness and there are no excuses for it. Some may refer to his past as an excuse for his submissive nature as a fighter, but then we have this fight. Yamada has the same if not worse past; he's also been bullied, has moved around to different schools his entire life, was more awkward than Ippo, has worse looks, and barfs 24/7. If Hammer-Nao, the awkward kid who was too shy to speak to almost anyone can fight like a killer, then Ippo should definitely be able to as well. :')


It’s pretty blatant here but framing and shifting is common in a lot of infighters, especially old school brawlers. Foreman was very underrated in that department, he was very good at shifting his opponents into his punches for maximum effect, and Duran was an absolute monster inside. Watch some of his fights at slight slow motion and you can see how he uses his head, elbows, palms, etc to manipulate his opponent so well.

J Johnson

It's a bit sad but I've seen cases like barfboy, oddly enough in the corporate world. Basically the assholes tend to get ahead because they are assertive and act confident, which are traits valued in some areas of business. So the lesson other people take away is that you have to be an unscrupulous asshole in order to get ahead in life. So glad I work from home now heh.


It's absolutely nothing new. But as blatant as this was, in forcefully moving aside the block to deliver one punch, would typically be caught. That's why I mentioned the brawling tactic. It's one I used... But being this obvious by clearly palming away someone's guard to land a punch is really egregious and a good ref would be all over it.


I haven't been able watch Ippo lately since I've been a bit busy but it took me till now to come to the realization that the Barfboy in your titles and descriptions is not in fact our boy Barfmichi XD Curtis you had me thinking Barfmichi came back to boxing and was now fighting Ippo hahaha I can't wait to binge these episodes and catch up with everyone again lol

J Johnson

He IS Barfmichi, he just changed a lot (both physically and mentally) since he left the Kumogawa gym. Definitely wouldn't have recognized him if they hadn't said who he was.