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I like that Kimura has come up with a "move inside" strategy, but is anything gonna be enough for Mashiba?




One of the best anime OVAs I’ve seen, so well done.

Brother E

If there was ever a time to full on root for one fighter over the other, this would be it. Kimura puts on such a valiant front against Mashiba even with all the odds not in his favor you HAVE to root for Kimura. I would personally put Kimura vs Mashiba in my Top 5 fights if the series, it’s up there with Ippo vs Sendo 2. This OVA is much better than Champion Road.


Oh fuck.... we have to wait until Monday for part three, me is sad :( It's soooo goooood!


I am just hoping that Kimura at least makes a strong showing. A win would be awesome, but I'll be happy if he just stays with him. :-)


One of the best examples I remember of this type of thing (an out boxer changing his style so drastically) was Leonard vs Hearns 1, when Leonard came out so flat footed after getting told by Dundee for 13 and 14 and just decided to go balls to the wall slugger against Tommy.