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Doc Swallow not only has anatomical knowledge on another level, he's obviously a really fast learner, too!




Unfortunately, Ippo can't ever really seem to "mix it up". He's not talented or creative enough to vary his own boxing significantly during a match and come up with anything that was not practiced beforehand. This adherence to what he practiced makes him both dangerous because he can execute whatever he practiced perfectly, as well as predictable/unflexible because he boxes according to a preset pattern that he trained for, and he sticks to that (and the coach's instructions). Depending on his opponent, that makes it easier or more difficult to win against Ippo. Sendo, himself more of an aggressive puncher rather than a tactician, has incredible difficulties against Ippo. More skilled opponents usually have a tremendous advantage but often lose due to a punch landing as a fluke, slipup, etc. (since Ippo's destructive power is potentially match-ending). But you're totally right, it is a bit frustrating to watch Ippo overthink things and default back to his usual pattern (because that's all he has), but lose self confidence at the same time because there is little variation in his approach regardless of the situation and his usual pattern might not work 100% perfectly, which makes his boxing less agressive/effective due to his mental state. Maybe some day he'll just bulldoze through and stick to what he's got - weaving, punching, diving in and taking hits xD


It really is a case of a fighter’s mentality not necessarily matching his talents or what he’s most physically suited for. Ippo has constantly had to grow mentally through the show for his attitude to match his ability (outside of his initial dreams and desire to become a pro boxer). I do like that he’s different than a typical shonen protagonist who is headstrong and believes in himself fully (I will be king of the pirates, I will be hokage, etc), but while Ippo is refreshing, his hesitancy and growth can also be infuriating. As a former bullied/weaker kid myself especially, I do know how hard it can be to grow out of that mentality but man it’s hard to watch