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Okay, this just got downright unfair now! Sai gets Baby 5?!... Damnit!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece




Lao-G takes up muscled up form and that's cheating, but when Master Roshi takes up similar form that's cool?


Jealous of Sai? Should be jealous of Baby 5 - just look at those sweet clown pants Sai is rocking. The guy clearly has style


Sai is clearly the smartest dude in one piece. After he had considered baby 5 and his current girl: "I'll take her as my wife no questions asked." At least now you don't have to root against baby 5


Old man 'g'ot his head kicked in. THERE'S THE G!!!!

Lewd Angel

Yeah such double standards! Horrendous! #BuffOldMenEquality


So what we thought was a funny gag turned out to be major psychological and abandonment issues. One piece is brutal sometimes.


Hmm, true!... I hate to admit it, but back in the 80s and 90s, I wore Zubaz gear in the gym. Aka, clown pants! 😄


The animation was clean as hell for the final fight scene in this episode haha


You see now Curtis why Baby 5 is an official member of Doffy's family while Bellamy is not? She had a f*cked up past and that's whats Doffy is looking for when he lets people join :) ya but her past is also sad

Brother E

Sai said “Fuck Your G Spot! That not only insulted Lao G, but it gave Baby 5 an orgasm


Baby 5 is great. And Sai is lucky fucking bastard I hate his guts! Okay, maybe I'm just incredibly jealous.

The Abyssal Drink

I think something that should definitely be kept in mind is that no one has personally canceled their "order" to Baby 5. Anyone outside of the Donquixote Family would be using Baby 5 to get what they want, but the family would stop them and say "We need you," or some shit. Sai is the first person to stop her from acting out the most brutal of things to do to oneself. Suicide. She believed that killing herself would make her useful, an act that would be your last. But Sai told her she has it all wrong. Then comes the comment from Foul G that she is convenient? That (I think) reminded her of the pain she felt when abandoned since she believed that people would show gratitude for her being needed cause they didn't leave her to die alone in forest. She was basically equated to a living room chair. You're useful, but we wouldn't bat an eyelash if you disappeared. Doffy might think that way too which would be more fucked since he considers anyone family to be worth killing for. Sai's declaration of marriage means a whole lot more to her than any other offer of marriage. Also, I feel for her. Feeling unneeded can be painful. Sometimes relieving, like if there's a errand you have to do, but turns out you don't have to. But yeah. That's rough. Long rant, I'm high, but I felt that needed to be shared.