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What an insanely great fight! Ippo has a belt, and fortunately, Sendo still has his desire!




Let's go nothing but chill, and much like Frankenstein I'm worked up too. On to season 2!!!

The Gimpster 101

Loved your reaction to this war of fists, though it sucks that the site you watched this on decided to cut out the end credits. There was something that you should watch.


This is one of those episodes where after it ends I kind of just have to sit back a moment and take it all in.


If you listen closely in the reaction you can here a blaster blot from star wars at 1:56.


It would be nice if he watched it because it's fun to watch the core cast of charters just chill out and have fun.


Episode 76 (it's an extra special) then the two OVAs next, Champion's Road first then Kimura Tatsuya Vs Mashiba Ryo. In case you didn't know which I'm sure you do but here's a reminder . After that to season 2 we go :D


I think its neat that when he knocked Sendo down Ippo was asking himself "what does it mean to be strong?" because that's the answer he was seeking when he started boxing. Ippo in the first episode thought maybe someone strong like Takamura might know the answer. I like that he never lost sight of that despite gaining all the new goals based on winning titles.


Great to see him win, but the author doesn't know how to have a dramatic fight. lol. I have a feeling in episode 2000 when Ippo is World Champ, everyone in the audience will still say that Ippo is at a disadvantage and he'll be scared of his opponent! XD