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Yea, this game looks pretty terrible, but this guy was entertaining, and the nostalgia was real!

THE VID ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6eHvcShziw 




Noah stopped making videos like this a couple of years ago and had kind of a breakdown. People were really pissed off, because he just kept taking their money on Patreon, but not making any new videos. Maybe that's why the comments and the likes are disabled. They're probably disabled on all of his videos at this point.


he completely disabled comments on all his vids loong before that.


Noah (aka The SpoonyOne or simply Spoony) had a storyline spanning across his reviews - a popular thing among reviewers of old. This video had a few references to his older stuff, that might account for confusing moments. Spoony's last review came out in 2015, at this point they would come out once in several months. His video career was almost dead ever since due to burnout and mental health issues. Removal of comments and likes/dislikes was his response to fans' attempts to motivate him. Just wanted to clarify moments you found strange. It's a long and sad story, especially since Spoony was one of the best reviewers in his prime.


Out of all the online reviewers, Spoony was the one who had the most content I enjoyed. No one made me laugh more than him, and its a real shame he burnt out and fell into a dark place.

Ted Cali

Ahhh man, this made me nostalgic for Spoony making me nostalgic for old VHS content. Even in that weird era of internet reviewers, his stuff always stood out to me because he had such a clear passion (whether positive or usually negative) about everything he talked about that wasn't just yelling loudly into the mic. Damn shame how everything turned out for him.