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The spell Tomoya seems to cast is cause for a lot of tears as the girls realize he's all about Nagisa!

I WATCH CLANNAD AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GRKE3X99R/Clannad



Andy Plays All Night

The end bit there showed the results of the election, with Tomoyo becoming the student council president. Sucks for Tomoyo, Kyou, and Ryou, since they all had some sort of feelings for Tomoya, but the heart want what it wants. I think Kotomi still viewed him as a close friend (rather than a romantic partner), but I could be wrong about that. Also about the Bento eating, Tomoya probably ate Ryou's last (or maybe Fuuko's?), since he said he ate too much... Can't imagine what came up afterwards lol..


Tennis player: We should take her to.. Okazaki: Getcho hands off my women


Yup, all the girls realize that this time, he's doing the Nagisa route. Just to add on to this, I mentioned previously how the original CLANNAD VN is divided up into routes that focus on each character, I think I said "like a dating sim". In many of the routes, like Kyou, Ryou, Tomoyo, etc., Tomoya would actually end up in a romantic relationship with the route's focus character by the end of that route. That's why the routes in CLANNAD are mutually exclusive; they all cover the same timeframe, and have conflicting versions of events, leading to different romantic entanglements. I mentioned this before, too, but the anime made some changes to allow all the shown routes to happen successively instead of concurrently. The timelines of some of the events were changed so they happened successively, and Tomoya's romantic pairings with anyone except Nagisa were pruned away(though quite a lot of the ship tease was left in.) Interestingly, even in the CLANNAD VN, the Nagisa route can be considered the "canon" route(although it's a little more complicated than just that). See, the reason the anime is split up into CLANNAD and CLANNAD After Story, is because the VN was, as well. The first half of the VN has all of the routes, and generally covers the school days of the group. The second half, the "After Story", is purely the story of Tomoya and Nagisa after the events of Nagisa's route in CLANNAD, and is only unlocked after completing the Nagisa route in the first half. Also, as fan service for the fan favorites, KyoAni released an OVA episode alongside each season(and it looks like VRV has the OVAs as the final episode of each season) that covers the events of the alternate routes where Tomoya gets together with Tomoyo or Kyou(called "Another World: Tomoyo Chapter" and "Another World: Kyou Chapter"), since those two were the most popular pairings besides Nagisa.


"There just isn't enough Tomoya to go around" HAH, I somehow missed that line the first time. Even funnier, considering the alternate routes in the VN, where there IS enough Tomoya to go around.