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Damn! This whole thing with Volg was a blindside shot! It really cracked me in the feels!



Andrew Lolavar

F’n racist ref and judges didn’t want to give the belt to someone not from their country so they counted a slip as a down... Also, just like Volg’s coach said. Volg had a 3 point lead so even if it was a down volg still should have been ahead by points. Now best boy gotta leave the country with no money for his sick mother


Funny thing is the show is set in the 90's so you were spot on about the corruption of hometown decisions during those times. Great story telling on the writer's part. He could have made it seem like the Japanese boxing scene was more ethical than others, but just as we saw in Thailand with Miyata on his draw match, that's not the case. Sayonara... Vorg :'( One of the most talented infighter boxers you saw in this show.

Andrew Lolavar

Wanna know what’s crazy... the guy isn’t even an infighter. He is an outboxer but because crowds like infighter fights where they punch each other, his coach said he should be an infighter to attempt to gain my fans


Volg in my opinion is the best rounded boxer out of all that we seen in the weight class but unfortunately he's not Japanese...

Johnny Kiehn

This episode always hits me like a shotgun shell to the feels. Especially that line at the end. “I intended to stay for a long time, so I studied Japanese very hard. When I return to my homeland, I probably won’t use it again. So these are my last Japanese words. Makunouchi... farewell.” Absolutely heartbreaking end to such a fabulous character.

Brandon Nowakowski

I'm sure someone's already mentioned this to you, but after the first series, here are two OVAs to watch that fill in what happens between this series and New Challenger. The order goes: This series, Champion Road, Mashiba v. Kimura, New Challenger and then Rising.

J Johnson

It's sad that we won't see it in the anime, but the manga is over 1300 chapters at this point and Volg does get another shot at the spotlight. Hopefully the anime gets some more seasons, there are some super hype fights it hasn't covered.


Yea, but I have to admit, I like them introducing that dirty side of boxing into the story. Stuff like that is largely what killed the sport's popularity... But it infuriated me here even more than it did in real life!

The Gimpster 101

Ippo’s last thoughts while at the Airport “It’s a terrible day for rain”


The "Sayonara" always gets me. Especially because in Japanese sayonara is the kind of goodbye you use when you won't be seeing anyone for a long time, if at all. The finality of it really makes this extra sad for me

Daniel Lima

I have a feeling Volg's future is bright ;)


For people who are watching this for the first time you should stop reading here Y'all saw that heavy bag foreshadowing? I was pretty stoked to see that because I missed that the first 5 times I watched the show lol


Just like the good word of Nux, he said, “this is so SAAAAYYYYD!!!!!😭”