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I was pumped for this fight as soon as they announced it to us, and it's already living up to the hype!



Brandon Nowakowski

You were on the money with what Sendo saw. Volg couldn't lift his foot properly to get back to his corner, so he ended up dragging it. Basically, Sendo realized "oh hey, this guy's feeling the hurt."

Andrew Lolavar

It is a shame but when Ippo isn't "determined" enough to win and is just trying to "do his best or have a good match" like he was with Date then he doesn't fight as well. Another thing he needs to work on as well as his confidence problems. He just wants to do his best


I mean, in terms of raw destructive power, Sendo might actually have the edge. Vorg would know since he fought the both of them. I think it comes down to their fighting styles. Ippo is a super close range fighter who throws short punches which are still incredibly devastating. However, Sendo keeps more distance when throwing those bombs maximizing their destructive power. Overall, Sendo is more aggressive and vicious when attacking but lacks defense compared to Ippo (i.e. - no peeka-boo style). He lost to Ippo because of his lack of defense even though he threw a lot more shots. I always loved this fight, even though they skip some rounds it's pretty underrated imo. Both fighters are so likeable and both make great rivals for Ippo if he ever makes it back up again :)


When volg was walking away his leg was shaking. Sendo knows he's doing damage.


You know you have a great show when the fights that don't involve the main character are hyping you up just about as much.


I like that Ippo's doubting himself in the crowd, awed at these two. Meanwhile Sendo and Volg are comparing each other to Ippo and Sendo's thinking about wanting to fight him again. Ippo's totally lost sight of the fact that all these other boxers have immense respect for him, respect that he's earned by being a damn good boxer.


Oh yea I forgot to mention that Ippo just realized he doesn't have a finishing blow the way that Sendo, volg or date have. This is important cause of jet engine 👀

The Gimpster 101

Another great match-up comes with the question "Which will win and become the Number 1 Apex Predator of the Feather Weights?" will it be The Tiger of Naniwa or The Wolf that hunts in Packs?

Andrew Lolavar

Can’t wait to see your reaction to tomorrow’s episode 😭