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Blondie is right; there's some really tough chicks in this school!... Some really great characters, though!

I WATCH CLANNAD AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GRKE3X99R/Clannad 



Andy Plays All Night

I got a few dango plushies from conventions over the years xD I thought the seriousness ramped up much later, not on the second episode lol.. It's been a while since I watched it, so order placement gets a little fuzzy. There were also a few subtle details that are easy to ignore in this episode that made me 😮 rewatching it. Not spoiling what they are though.


I think this show hit me more emotionally than ever, especially clannad: After story

Max Starr

Hello, Curtis. In the comment section of the previous episode, you had said that you weren’t going to continue with Clannad After Story right away. You later said that after doing some research, you would probably be going forward with it because it was indeed the continuation of the story rather than something separate. First of all, thank you. Second, I feel I must say this. I will speak vaguely, of course, as to not give anything away: There are going to be many emotional moments in this journey you’re now undertaking. But none of them will compare to what’s coming in Clannad After Story. So, in other words, first, you're going to be taking the left jabs; then in After Story, you're going to get hit with the knockout punch. I look forward to your reactions.


I'm glad you're enjoying the series so far Curtis ^^ I watched it a long time ago when I was in middle school and even though I dont remember alot of it, just seeing the characters makes me feel emotional. which means it left a big impact on me XD Dango is a Japanese desert btw ^^/


"This is so well illustrated, too" Fun fact, although most shows are typically animated at 12fps(or lower), with duplicated frames to fill out a standard 24fps video, all the scenes in the world with the lonely girl are animated at a full 24fps. That's why everything there looks so smooth. It really is stunning to see, even having already watched it multiple times. K/VA really put their all into this one.


And the music once again gets me. As soon as Okazaki stepped into the library, I started hearing Kotomi's theme in my head, and then it started playing when it showed her. God, this series really does stick with you.


Yea, I had gotten some bad info online, as far as the content of After Story. Now I'm really looking forward to it.