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I had NO idea what "Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto" would be like, but to say it is brilliant and hysterical would be an understatement!

I WATCH "HAVEN'T YOU HEARD? I'M SAKAMOTO" AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/havent-you-heard-im-sakamoto 




Oh this is going to be fun!


Great one of my favourites!

Freddy Jimenez

Great semi old anime. If school days taught me anything is making someone your wall paper means obsessing over them

Florian Krause

Sakamoto is a great short anime :)


OMG! I literally just watched this show last month! I loved it!


Put the stress on 2nd syllable of both parts of my name and it'll be close enough. It's never clearly expressed, but I suspect that Sakamoto, like Mai from Nichijou, is often aware of how he is percieved and just trolls people. While Mai did it for shits and giggles at someone's expense, Sakamoto often does it to help people around him to be a better person and to be kinder to each other. By the way, you haven't heard about Sakamoto but you heard his voice actor recently. You know him as Yoshito "Kabuto" Kikuchi from GTO and Zelgadis "Stoneface" Greywords from Slayers.


Wow, he’s Kikuchi?! That’s cool... This was a fascinating and really fun first episode, My Friend!... I love the similarities to Nichijou, as that’s one of my favorites! 😊

Imani Brooks

Yes! Thank you, Evgeny Karimov! I love this series and believe Curtis will too. It's a riot! I can't wait to see his reaction to this often overlooked, underappreciated, but pretty darn awesome anime.


Enjoy. I think you're too harsh, type the show's name in YouTube and you'll get compilations with more than a million views. More like a B-tier anime that's not discussed all the time.

Nate D.

Sakamoto is soooo hard boillledddd ommmgggg