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This story is utterly fantastic! While it seems that Ryuji and Taiga are destiny, there are a number of cool possibilities!

I WATCH TORADORA! AT CRUNCHY:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/toradora




Man I completely forgot about the scene at the end there, the way minorin calls him a liar, and just as she’s asking if they heard anything, I had a full cringe face watching even knowing how the series will end, like yikes. You really do grow to have an appreciation for ami. It was implied earlier she and taiga are actually really close offscreen, with them rehearsing the song. But she also came out at the drop of a hat when taiga called here, which I think reinforces it. Taiga is probably amis best friend and is also the one that drove the stalker off in her awesome taiga way haha. I think that by the end of the “first term” she means when they went to the beach house. In a way, what she fears is that if she hadn’t been in the show since the beach house, then the plot would’ve went exactly the same, which is feel like is kinda meta but ok. My interpretation of what minorin was saying to ami is that she thought she found a “ghost” in ryuji. But she didn’t want to get so caught up in maybe finding a “ghost” that she lost sight of what she could already see, which is taiga, her best friend. She doesn’t want to lose her over something she’s not even sure is real. That’s just my take tho I don’t even remember the details of the next episodes. But they will complete the story, so by next month all the cards will be on the table. It will be bittersweet for me too. I haven’t seen this for like maybe 5-8 years? Maybe even longer I just don’t want to sound dumb. So while I know the plot beats, rewatching it again is like watching it new for the details(like the room scene). But one thing I distinctly remember from the end, and this ties into what you mentioned, that we’re not seeing more from the chars. Even though the plot resolves, it’s like damn I’d probably watch a series of these characters doing literally anything. Kind of like ami says, “if I could live in these times forever I would”. Damn, now I’m bumming myself out. Anyways, great reaction as always, now please excuse me as I head on over to the latest pair from ace no diamond c:


Yea, My Friend, the connection these characters have made me with me is stunning! When I'm doing intros and outros for this show, I try to think about who impacted me the most, and I can never come up with any one person in specific... Everything about this has been absolutely delightful!!


I can't believe we're so close to the end! It felt like it would be a long journey when you reacted to the first few episodes, but now it feels like it flew by! These last batch of episodes are really great. I love how this show goes into the things Ryuji has had to worry about, growing up in a single-parent household. Like, there are a lot of shows that get to this era of their characters' high school lives-- when they need to start thinking about their future once they graduate, but something about Toradora's take on it has always felt so genuine to me. And I'm really looking forward to you seeing the last two episodes! There are definitely some scenes I misremembered as having happened earlier that you'll finally be seeing next month!


Oh my-- I really need to start checking what has come up in Goosher 100! I mean, Toradora's like... arguably my favorite anime. I recently realized I'd been unaware of you watching Angel Beats for several episodes... turns out I gotta catch up on your Toradora reactions too! Awesome though.