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Blue-Eye-Brown-Eye and Kabuto are an impressive team. Hopefully, they take down Frizzy-Head in a beatdown manner!

I WATCH GTO AT VRV: https://vrv.co/series/GRQ4QG4GY/GTO-The-Animation



Phillip Ribbink

Uehara is an interesting character, most of the other kids have come over to Onizuka right away. Once their arc has been dealt with. Anyone who hasn't come over is pretty much in Miyabi's camp, Uehara might even fall into that same category. Unlike Miyabi though she seems to have lost interest in getting rid of Onizuka after being "defeated" by him. She may not like him or be part of his circle but she clearly isn't obsessed with getting rid of him anymore. Hell, in this episode she even comes to his aid, because for whatever reason she thinks Miyabi has gone too far. It's an interesting subversion of the path of redemption we've seen with all the other kids who were formerly against Onizuka.


Agreed... She's an interesting case in that she doesn't fit clearly into one camp or the other.