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This is a GREAT story and Jonah is a great character, but aside from him, the female characters really dominate for awesomeness!



Phillip Ribbink

When you think about it selling weapons left and right in a conflict like that isn't good for the arms business. The more destabilized the region gets, the more eyes are turned towards it. Then people start wondering where the weaponry came from. Which leads right back to you. Then you're fucked. And that's if you just supply one side. If you supply both, what happens when one of them gets wise or actually ends up winning the conflict. They're gonna want the guy who was supplying their enemy to keep control of the region.

All Might

This show was/is awesome.


Reminds me of Far Cry 2 where some of the collectibles are pieces of interview with Jackal, main antagonist and arms dealer. "Do you ever choose sides in a conflict?" "I did it once, it was a bad idea. Cut my profits in half, almost got me killed. Never again. You sell to both sides. You can help level a field, stabilize the market, draw the conflict and make more money. A big sell to one side doesn't generate repeat business. Both the APR an the UFLL are using my weapons. Now they're in detente. Both sides are stockpiling, less violence, more spending, it's perfect." "But it's anarchy, thousands are dead, hundreds of thousands are displaced". "If I pick sides fewer will be displaced but more would be dead and I would probably be one of them."