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After those rather glowing reviews, I gotta believe that the forest of mushrooms is gonna be a "gotta-do" destination!   :-D




This episode is a good example of what I really like about the series. the thought they put into world building! and what different spicies look for in a partner. Like is makes sense for a cyclops to give the size of the eye a lot of attantion. And it was mentioned in episode 1 too, how elves look at mana, and for beastmen smell is a dealbreaker. also. I'm not much into mushrooms. But I need to hit that place up! neiter of the 4 girls shown here are too much up my alley. But I can trust the receptionist to pick a perfect fit for me


Mushroom is mostly located underground, its edible outside parts are reproductive organs. "Fruiting bodies" was another pun.


Also mushrooms are part of nature cycle as they decompose organic matter, so the pun works in many ways.


I think out of all the girls so far I would go with the mushroom forrest The receptionist will pick my perfect fit and its more than one for the price of one. Nice

Phillip Ribbink

Of the species we've seen so far, I'd probably pick an Elf, a Fire Salamander girl, or a Cyclops girl with a small eye. Everything else so far has been way too weird for me. The cat-girls/hyena girls are way too close to Furryism for me. The Lillim will kill you, I don't have a Milk fetish and the cow puns would get on my nerves so Minotaur girls are out. Birdmaids have a cloaca which is basically a combination anus, vagina and urinary tract all in one, don't wanna think about the potential for VD. Fairies can't handle an average sized human, so they're automatically out of the running. Finally the Mushroom girls are just too weird for my liking.


The small-eyes Cyclops girls are definitely primo!... Fortunately, I can qualify for the Fairies, as I think they're awesome! :-D


You didn't mention Halflings ^_^ Also, I like the mushroom girls. Come in all body-type, and slimy. Honestly, I'd want to try the cloaca. They have magic spells in this world to protect from diseases, and I bet it would feel good. As for the cat-girls, what's wrong with a little furryism? You need to brush up on your culture good sir XD


Something that is mentioned in the manga but not the anime. Brothels have special magic seals on the walls of the rooms. These seals prevent pregnancy, as well as protect from diseases. Meaning, you don't have to worry about either when you are at one of the brothels. Btw, if you love the series, get the mangas! While they aren't as graphic, they go a lot more into the world. If you do want graphic though, there is an anthology done by various manga artists that is more graphic. One of the chapters in there I believe explains Zel's relationship with the human girl.