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I think the guys - aside from Crim - were a little too harsh with their ratings, just because of the "almost died" thing!   :-D



Freddy Jimenez

This is the best episode of the whole show in my opinion


Oh lad you just crack me up with your views on things. You have to literally be one of the very and mean very few people that would literally go into a succubus, you know those demon girls that literally suck out the Life force of men out, brothel and not even be bothered with the potential of dying. "Sigh" lad you're one of a kind and have balls of steel to even think about going in there. I'm like crim. I wouldn't even think about going in there, I like my life thank you very much.

Freddy Jimenez

Fun fact when I saw this ep after the Funi thing I was like OMG the timing was great

Mighty Snake

So what you need to do is rally the gooshers and together we can conquer that brothel. And never have I wanted fire resistance more cause that bbq would be awesome, hooters be damned!


I figure I ain't gonna live forever; might as well go out in a blaze of perverted glory! :-D


Good call, Pal!... I think we Gooshers could become the pre-eminent source of Interspecies Reviews!! :-D


Death ... by Snu Snu


Massive LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Of course that's how you would like to go out lad.


We'd all be awesome but I think the succubus brothel would be to much for us.

Mighty Snake

I mean there's over 1700 of us and if we're going to a fantasy world I imagine we would have access to magical buffs so we should at least last a little while unless all of us are the one pump types.


If those succubus could defeat a horde of literal pig men and come back for revenge, what hope do we have lads? In all honesty me and Curtis would be the first to go out, if I went in, because of our age. I would need a lot of magical buffs to at least withstand half an hour. Look what that brought to zeal, stunk, and the beastmen guy.


"Why don't we have these shops around here?" -great question. Also I'm afraid the answer is we don't have mana


@Aidan they were 3, pig men were 100, like Snake said we are 1700+, so there's that. +have you heard of the little blue pill*? Apparently it helps with performance issues. 😎 *and no, I'm not talking about Matrix here...

Phillip Ribbink

So I was curious about whether it was actually possible to die from having sex. So I did a little research, apparently "dying in the saddle" usually happens via cardiac arrest. Apparently even adding even an hour on top of regular weekly sex increases the risk of cardiac arrest. Meaning that unless someone is of advanced age, has some sort of heart condition (arrhythmia for example) or are on a drug that increases the likely-hood of cardiac arrest (cocaine or viagra for example) then you're usually in the clear. Meaning that that must've been some really hardcore fucking on the part of those Lillim if it became hell after 30 minutes. Also I never saw the appeal of the whole eating off of a naked body fetish until now.


Yeah it is really rare. Basically either old dudes going to brothel to enjoy themselves or rich old dudes trying to keep up with their mistress. What a way to go though l. Wouldnt mind that one bit, although I definitely dont envy the girls, must be pretty rough experience.


This episode shows why you always need to spec into elemental resistance! and I think the low succubus is too much for me. I'd rather go with the higher rank ones


Damn I want some nipple steak

Heavenly Demon

A great war hero once said " We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised" Zapp Brannigan