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Even though I'm rooting for the Taichi-Inaba ship, it's difficult to see Iori struggling so much!

I WATCH KOKORO CONNECT AT VRV:  https://vrv.co/series/GR5VJ0V8R/Kokoro-Connect



Phillip Ribbink

Damn this OVA is a lot more brutal than I remember it being. Iori really didn't pull her punches when she laid into Inaba. Can't wait to see the conclusion tomorrow.


Hi I’m just wondering where your keijo reactions are because I can’t find them


They touch on it a lot in the actual series, yet I'm really glad these last four episodes focus so much on Iori's inner struggle with her "true" personality. Because I think she does go a little overboard here, getting so down on herself, convincing herself that EVERY positive thing she's ever portrayed was just an act to get people to like her... But at the same time, I started to really sympathize with her when I saw her classmates' reaction to her attitude being a little off from what they're used to. Like, if I were Iori in that situation, I'd just want to scream too. Like, let me be a normal person, who's allowed to have bad days and flaws! It's a lot of pressure when you're known to be the positive friend-- or the comic relief, which I think they were trying to get at with Aoki's little run-in with Heartseed. That little moment between Aoki and Iori at the end of ep. 14 was a nice parallel for me.


Unfortunately, I have to fish them out of a pool of 1500 videos. When I was reuploading everything after our Vimeo account got closed, the portable hard drive crashed before I got Keijo posted... I was able to salvage the vids, but now I have to find them in a sea of 1500 other unmarked vids. 😞


Ok spaz I was just wondering thanks for responding


No problem... I gotta make the time to go through all those vids and mark them, so I can upload the last few I hadn’t gotten to.


Every time someone would go "You're usually so cheerful!" I wanted to rip something apart, like that is precisely what's wearing her down and the wrong angle to approach from. Just be concerned and let her know she can be mean or picky or whatever, friends forgive and move on. Then again, these *are* teenagers; we've probably been spoiled by how well they handled everything else up to now.


Honestly, we see so many instances of practically the same interaction, with people confronting Iori... that it kind of felt like this last story could have been done in just 3 episodes instead of 4. Like, how did ALL of you manage to say exactly the wrong thing?! It started to get a little tedious.