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Crim knew just what he was getting into with the whole hyena thing! I can respect that level of freakiness!  :-D




YEAH! Piltia!


you can safly watch the intro and outro np, idk why but the outro song IS FIRE!

Freddy Jimenez

End it was this episode that made Funimation lose your mind xD


I had heard episode 3 is where Funimation freaked out and bailed! :-D I still can't believe they were dumb enough to take on a series without even knowing the content!

Daniel Gonzalez

Exactly no one forced those idiots to pick this series up they did it all on their own so youd think theyd do a little research first makes me wonder how they do decide which anime to license do they just throw darts at a board or something

Schmul Sjifris

Maybe they just pick up ones that seem popular? Ain't nobody got time to read summaries, descriptions or checking any content of it out! They're lucky they havent licensed hardcore Nazi propaganda yet😓


I can say for sure. If I'm going to a store like that. I'm going slime girl

Matthew B

What series having hardcore Nazi propaganda are you talking about?

Phillip Ribbink

Jeez this episode didn't leave much to the imagination did it? The only thing that separates this episode from an actual Hentai is no actual genitalia is portrayed onscreen. Given how racy the last two episodes were, I probably should've expected a Gender Bender episode. I mean come on you've got a Fantasy world and you're not gonna have one episode where that happens?

Schmul Sjifris

No clue, just an example. But if you pick up every girl you meet, one of them is gonna be a Nazi sooner or later.


The worse part is that they wouldn’t let other people stream the sub, despite stopping production. And convinced others, like Amazon to do the same. They didn’t just bail. They basically banned it for English speaking audiences.


I’d go in-boy, and I’m not even gay or bi. Just, if I’m going to experience being a woman, I’d want the full experience.


When I first watched this episode I wasn't sure if I had accidentally started watching actual hentai 😂


Also about zombie girls, don't you remember Zombina from Monster Musume?


...Oh wait nevermind, we are talking about you here 😂


I'm very down to try an in-boy too. even if I too aren't bi or gay. but I want my first time to be with a slime girl. Zel just sold me on it

Schmul Sjifris

This show made an old man say "Way too go!" about a hermophrodite child angel getting stuck with the dick of a female hyena prostitute at a genderswap sexshop for reviewing purposes. This is the best show ever!😂

Schmul Sjifris

Yeah, I'd wanna do both. Only Crim actually properly got to experience the female side of the male/female sexual experience. Thus only his review is truly legit or at least far more so. They refuse to experience being a straight woman properly and then bash the experience? These reviews were to biased. Well, as long as its the lesbian woman experience and thats clear its fine but theyre not reviewing the sexual experience that is for the standard female. I call bias! Im happy Crim got in a review too to cover the most clear meaning of trying it from the womans perspective. I take these things very seriously you know!😂 But yeah, if youre gonna do reviews, do it properly. I dont want you reviewing the mini-game of GTA 5 when you make a review for the whole game. Make a review for the proper game! Proper professional reviews!


Gods, this shop would make the dreams of a lot of horny trans folk like myself really happy. Surprised but glad you picked up this show to watch. It's definitely a unique experience ^-^


Agree, I mean if you are going through the trouble of changing gender and then even thinking about going to brothel might as well go with the full experience. Thats what I would do. I would properly enjoy that "female" hyena and I am not even bi or gay lol :D Either go all in or get out!


Right! No reason to deny anyone their fantasies. I might even try out the gender swap thing. No harm is experiencing something new.


Or, they could go with women that turned into men, too. I'd prefer that to the in-boy now that I think about it.


Thankfully, RightStuff picked it up. Blu-Ray is coming out later this year. Pre-orders are available now


*laugh* when he talked about zombie girls, I can't help but remember one of the jokes from the undead girls in World of Warcraft. "Of course they're real! They're not mine, but they're real!"