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WOW! Between the great pair of lead characters and the awesome, old school feel, this show is definitely gonna be a winner!

I WATCH THE SLAYERS AT FUNIMATION: https://www.funimation.com/shows/the-slayers/ 



Freddy Jimenez

Oh now your getting into some of the good old anime. Great series


This is one of the oldest anime I've enjoyed. I hope you also get see the other classic: Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X)


All hail BOG-REZ who sponsored this!!!

J Johnson

oh damn this is nostalgic, one of the early series I watched as a teen after seeing all the toonami series.

Thomas Stark

OMG SLAYERS!!! I have wanted someone to watch this series forever. Don't have time to click now but.... I guess I'll have to pull out my DVD box set or Light Novels when I have the time cause 1 episode will not be enough to satisfy.

Thomas Stark

Also did anyone else see this post and immediately began chanting dragon slave. Darkness beyond twilight. Crimson beyond blood that flows. Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows...


Oh wow, Slayers... one of my favorite memorys from childhood. Yeah, you're gonna love this one. xD

Phillip Ribbink

Never seen this series, but it reminds me of a similar series. Gokudo the Adventurer, basically if you combined Kazuma and the swordsman from this Anime.


Thanks for watching this! Glad you liked it. And it gets even better)

Cetacean Needed

Oh hell yeah! Slayers is a great choice!


Ah man this is a great choice. I guess not many people will know this one anymore but its an absolute hilarious watch, especially later on.


Am I the only one who thought of Megumin when Lina was chanting her spell? (Yes, I know Slayers was way before Konosuba, but still)


Holy crap, this show is old enough that I'd given up on EVER seeing a reaction to it! Thanks, Curtis!


I opened up Patreon and this is the first thing I see. I had to do a double take cause I couldn't believe what I saw. One of my favorite anime from my childhood! Also Slayers has the best openings hands down.