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The Fish-Men really have been dealt a dirty hand, and it's tragic that Tiger had to die because of it!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  




Along didn't cause much trouble with Koala after she was integrated in the ship. I bet that would have been a turning point for him if that operation went well


Hard-hitting episode 😭 I don't think it was ever implied anywhere except here in the anime that Jimbe had ever lost a fight against Tiger or was weaker than him. In fact, everything up to this point and later on lead me, and I think many others who read the manga, to believe that Jinbe was in fact the strongest Fishman and still is at the time (we don't know exactly how strong King Jamon is, but still). He trained at the Fish-Man Karate Dojo as a kid and earned a black belt while still a child, Arlong seemed to fear him, and he was the only person to speak with Tiger as an equal in private. The reason he followed Tiger was out of deep-seated respect, nothing else. And the reason why Tiger's bounty is higher is because he is a former slave, freed the other slaves, attacked the Celeastial Dragons, and because he's the captain, not because he was stronger. I doubt Jinbe would have fallen to the attack Tiger succumbed to. He beat the shit out of Strawberry afterwards, and we've seen him tank lava fists during the war, even if he's probably quite a bit stronger now. Edit: I also don't think it is a coincidence that Jinbe is a whale shark, the largest type of fish in the world.


The way I take it is. He was saying, "You don't have to forgive them, but don't let the children see. Even if you still resent them, the children should only see you getting along, so that they have a better example to live by."


fisher tiger is in my opinion the most underrated character in one piece


So does no one want to talk about the Marine officer's forehead and hair game? It's damn impressive. According to Oda every time Strawberry feels sad his forehead grows a tiny bit.


Tiger couldn't get past it for a little blood with his life on the line so, no way in hell could Arlong. "On that day they watched the entire Fishman Island's hero fall to hate on both sides of the table." 50-50 where you land on humans. Arlong, you still suck tho you child abuser/deathly violent kidnapper.

Harry Jones

So I wanna quickly hop on my soap box about these last few episodes because I think they are very interesting and surprisingly well done. Firstly, I think the parrallel between the Sun Pirates and Nami's backstory is facinating and easily overlooked. The sun pirates take the celestial dragon brand and turn it into something else, which is exactly what Nami does with her Arlong tattoo. In fact, all Arlong succeeds in doing is behaving exactly like the Celestial Dragons do in general. The mark to show that somebody is "his", the park, the cruelty, and the essential slavery. It's a question that is very much to the viewers interpretation of "Is this intentional from him, or not?" But not just that, the way all the fishmen within the sun pirates react to humans is facinating and shows a very unexpected respect of the nuances of racism from what is advertising itself as a shonen manga. We have Fisher Tiger, who deep down hates humans, but tried for so long to see the good in them, and despite constantly being shown evidence that they will always treat him badly, tried to cling to the good in them. Arlong, who fully let the hatred take over and became just as bed as them, and Jinbei who took his experiences with his crew and Koala to heart. Even Hatchi is interesting, who seems to simply follow whoever is most confident and trust that what they are doing is right. Obviously it's not hard to see how this can pertain to real life, and while this isn't my favourite arc, I think One Piece deserves a lot of praise for showing all the different sides and viewpoints of this, and is willing to give explanations as to the "why" of people's behaviour while still giving you the space to form your own opinion on their actions from this point going forward. Apologies for how long this is, I just think that this is one of the rare racism subplots that doesn't tell you what to think or how to feel and I like it for those facts.


Part of me is still kinda disappointed that half the crew still followed Arlong despite what tiger said especially Hachi. I wish the lesson tiger taught would have stuck because they should have realized Arlong was going against tigers wishes. I mean Hachi realized it after but the damage was already done.


I don't think he's underrated at all. He's such a central part of fish man history and is a renowned name for the slaves as well. Even for the audience I think we all agree that he's a great character and we have a lot to thank him for like saving Boa and the others


This is fun! I really like reading you guys' takes on all this! :-)


well Hachi realizes because he's practically a different character after the Arlong park arc

Jake from SF

You gotta have respect for a man like Fisher Tiger who was a slave to humans and is seen as an enemy to the navy - more humans - and still recognize that despite all of his experiences with the evil of humanity that there are compassionate ones out there. Also acknowledging that it's most likely too late for his generation because of what both humans and fishmen grew up with in terms of their prejudices but if his generation can just suck it up and hide their prejudices from their children then maybe the children can grow up seeing humans and fishman as equals.


Curtis lad if you're still here I gotta ask you this, what's your definition of justice? Because your comment about the navy really got to me. Lad, with all due respect, you have to stop blaming the navy for everything that happens. They are following orders from the world government and in turn the celestial dragons. Yes some orders are horrific and downright cruel but the are JUST following orders given to them by a higher authority. They are soldiers remember and a well trained soldiers follow orders no matter what it is. That is true for one piece and the real world. Remember lad in the world of one piece the Pirates, no matter what they do, are always going to be viewed as the bad guys and the marines the good guys who are stopping them. Why? Because of the world government and the celestial dragons. So if you want to blame somebody blame them. You can't blame somebody for just following orders. Also, my question of justice is because I don't understand why you keep questioning the Justice of the marines. They sincerely believe in their justice and believe are doing a decent job with protecting the world. remembe lad not everyone has the same definition of justice that you might have. Again this is with all due respect and me not questioning your belief or throwing hate.

Heavenly Demon

ichigo name is strawberry , lol that what it means sooo lol

Heavenly Demon

Thats what the Nazis said as while, "we where just following orders" that didn't really hold up in the tribunal. now did it? and there has been times where soldiers didn't follow orders and got medals cause when people looked into it, they found out how stupid or wrong the order was ..

Heavenly Demon

also if you watch OP there have been other Marines that question the marines form of justice so , even the marines questions there form of justice

Eric Quan

Looking for older episodes is a pain in patreon, is there an easier way?


If you're on desktop, there's a search bar, so if you know the # of the episode you wanted to see, you can just type that in and it should pop up. (I've done so to go back and watch his reaction to certain episodes)