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I knew Aizen was gonna be wildly powerful, but I didn't think he'd plow through everyone this quickly!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




Now that was diabolical

Daniel Gonzalez

Ha plowed everyone...but also crap this doesn't look good


10 he took out 10 top level Shinigami in one episode Jesus Christ he is over powered as fuck


This is the moment that cements exactly why Aizen is such a intimidating villain. In Bleach, there are characters who are considered extremely dangerous individuals, either because of raw strength(like Kenpachi), deadly abilities(like Barragan) or their incredible intellect(like Urahara). Aizen possess ALL THREE, and has the ambition, drive and ruthlessness necessary to use those strengths extremely effectively. And that final shot of Aizen grinning after cutting down everyone, with the music accompanying it, always gives me chills. Definitely one of the most epic moments in the series!


Isn't Head Captain still knocking about somewhere??


To put this fight in perspective, you don't know when Aizen was and wasnt using hypnosis. Meaning everyone couldve been swinging at air. Meaning whats in the episode might not be the actual fight but what Aizen wanted us to see from this fight. Meaning Ichigo could've been yelling at the top of his lungs and no one wouldve been able to hear or notice him. Remember, the goal was to keep Ichigo from falling under Aizens hypnosis (something that can control all senses and warp your perception of reality) because that was their best chance at beating him.


We told you lad. This episode is the episode that cemented Aizen as one of the best anime villains ever. Intimidating, intelligence, power, speed, tactician, hypnosis, and calm cool and collected. You just can't love to hate him and feel intimidated even if he's not real.


God, I love watching people react to this fight. What's really interesting here is that while Toshiro is holding momo in the Japanese version, she calls him Shiro-chan. Shiro in Japanese means whitey (it's derived from shiroi, the word for white) so Momo in that scene is literally calling Toshiro by Curtis' nickname, Little Whitey.

Ultra Power

Looks like Toshiro took some inspiration from Kakashi 😂


Aizen is like fusion of Superman and Lex Luthor.


Up until this point, everyone *thought* they had no idea what Aizen was capable of. This is the episode that made everyone *know* they had no idea what Aizen was capable of.


This was the fight I was waiting for you to watch. The music combined with this awesome fight is like top tier.


Basically the Bleach version of: "This isn't where my story ends!" "This is where Gohan's story ends."


The head captain is down there chillin as they all get sliced up sounding like dj khaled..."Anotha One"


Come to think of it, Captain Hitsugaya challenges Aizen by saying he won't allow him to use his Kyôka Suigetsu. I wonder if that's why he used it in such a way that it hurt lil' whitey the most out of anyone. Aside from the obvious tactical advantage of causing such distress, of course.


The Old Man can't fight in a group, he will end up killing everyone, he is just too strong.

Miklar Sihn

He was already cemented as that in the soul society arc. Especially when he stopped ichigo's sword and theme music with his hand.


We need to get Aizen poisoned or something lol, this ain't workin'^^

Lewd Angel

I see Patreon changed their font size. I hope they also fixed the comment section being such a buggy mess


i love the moment basically "oh we just won gin didnt we" his silence is like saying bitch did i move from my spot.


**Was Just Wondering** Was Grand Fisher an Adjuchas? He had High Speed Regeneration, his Lure, and could speak, which only a few lower Hollows did in the series. He kind of reminds me of Grimmjow's crew, particularly D-Roy. He evaded Soul Reapers for 54 years, even killing some of them, and was dominating Ichigo, who got in one lucky stab to make him flee. Don't forget, this same Ichigo was able to beat a restricted Renji and nearly kill him. So Grand Fisher was at least at a Luitenant level. He also beat that Stealth Force guy. He is also the lowest level Hollow that we see become an Arrancar, albeit imperfectly, and it isn't stated that Aizen helped him accomplish this.


The head captain down there watching all the young people potentially die before him like 👨‍🦯


GIn's over here talking about Aizen being strength incarnate. Meanwhile, Old Man Yama is sipping tea wondering if he'll ever get a chance to retire from being undisputed top motherfucker in the Soul Society. Because I think it's pretty clear that this next generation isn't up to snuff.