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That is one creepy-ass transformation! And I fear that Captain Canine is in serious trouble!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




I think the point Tosen is trying to make is that he doesn't just want to exact vengence on his friend's killer, but also on the system that did nothing about it, since the killer got off scott-free. If that system is justice, he didn't want to be a part of it, and decided he'd become justice. Hypocritical of course, but I see where he's coming from


if he thinks captain komamura is ugly he's in for a shocker when he sees himself in the mirror


What's really interesting is that noose neck is the first vizard to display a resurrection, which is odd since a resurrecion is a return to one's original hollow form, which a vizard wouldn't have since they weren't originally hollows. Idk if it's ever explained in the supplemental material, but my theory is that a vizard can gain a resurrection by completely embracing their negative emotions, that is how hollows are created after all.


Yea, it's actually kinda sad that he couldn't have dealt with it better, as he's truly a decent guy.

Miklar Sihn

How dare he call komamura ugly. Komamura is the goodest of boys, yes he is. He deserves petting and treats.


Tosen's aka noose neck story is almost like Obito's. In the Sense where someone truly special to them gets taken away from them and they can't handle it and seek revenge against world or in tosen's case the soul society. It's really sad because deep down they are both good and decent people who were only given a shit hand by life.


He's supposed to be a cricket. All of his sword and hollow abilities reference crickets. Not that it makes him any less ugly. In fact, I hate crickets, so it makes it worse.

Ultra Power

I’m with you Curtis. Every time Treachery plays, I get hyped.


It's interesting that when Tosen finally gained the ability to see, he became more blind to the truly important things about someone like Komamura. Turning into that form made him more blind then he ever was when he couldn't`t actually see... And yes, I agree, the music in Bleach is absolutely fantastic!

Lewd Angel

The song you always get so hyped over is called 'Treachery', feel free to look it up on youtube sometimes and give it a listen! "Invasion" is another similar good one


Loved the whistling at 1:40 😂 From dollars trilogy, if I'm not mistaken? ... who's good, who's bad and who's ugly in that trio? (Komamura[Captain Canine], Tosen[noose-neck], Shuhei[69] )?? 10:22 "You know, it might sound weird, but I kinda liked the old arm better."


I've never seen this far on Bleach, but I'd imagine being able to see all of a sudden would just throw Noose neck off when fighting. All the training and experience he's had has been with no sight. But we'll see if I'm onto something


NoseNecks backstory for his motivations is more involved than what they show here. It's a story thread that Kubo never worked into the series that well. It is further explained in expanded universe material but sadly you won't see it in the anime. It's been a while since i read it and i'm going off memory here, but i believe Sole Society protected the guy that killed NoseNecks friend. He had friends in high places, soul society was willing to cover it up. It's why NoseNeck wanted to bring the whole system down. Aizen is offering exactly that.. A new order. A new system. Funny enough there is a close parallel going on in the real world today with the police violence issue and defund the police. A lot of people want the system torn down and a new one built in its place because the system did try to protect those dirty cops. And even if you don't agree with things like Defund The Police, you can still understand why some people feel that way.