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I was kinda holding out hope that Noose-Kneck could be swayed from Aizen... That certainly doesn't seem to be the case!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach 




"You see, there's no need to wonder where your god is! 'Cause he's right here! And he's fresh out of mercy!" -Kirito, SAO Abridged ep.4 "Also, feel free to pray to your God. But spoilers--I won't be listening." -Perfect Cell, DBZ Abridged ep.54 Bleach abridged has not reached this part of the series (or at least I didn't find one) but damn it was funny to watch the lastest episode (#27) of "Bleach (S) Abridged", it's Ishida vs Cirucci and apparently Cirucci and Pesche dated? (I have not watched Bleach Abridged, but I might have to)

Miklar Sihn

Noose Neck kinda said the whole point that made him fall several times. It is about reducing the amount of combat in the world. It is about stopping all the wars. It is basically the war to end all wars.

Ultra Power

Yo a lot of people sleep on Yammy’s Resurreccion, but I personally think it looks imposing as all hell


I really don't like the idea of calling one of the only black characters "noose neck"


It's cause Kenny and Byakuya are fighting him. People forget that just before, he took a Hollow Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshou straight to the neck and got a little cut from it. Now, Kenny is cutting off body parts. 😂


@Ruben, I don't understand how black people is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear noose. It was literally one of the most common forms of execution in midevil times, and it's so widely used in cowboy/pirate movies because of how common it was in that time period. It's not a defining trait specific to racism and it's pretty ignorant to think that.


Dude. Read the multiple other replies I made explaining why thats retarded. He is a BLACK MAN being called NOOSE NECK. If someone put a noose around a black man and hanged him from a tree you would not stand there and say it was not racially motivated even if it wasn't. "Oh the guy who did it must be a cowboy" you wanna know what else was very common during a very specific period in time? Hanging black people for being black. Christ stop using this shit argument.


Something kinda ironic just occurred to me: Now, in fairness, Ruben has repeatedly mentioned that he personally didn’t find the nickname racially motivated, and I believe him. However, that makes it funny that this series is one of the very few where race was a contributing factor in a nickname. I clearly stated that “Antifa Kid” got that nickname because he looked like a skinny white douche. 😄😄


Ok well to be fair I was in fact a little irked by that nickname as well. But I never said anything because I knew I would just be called a liberal cuck or something and was trying to avoid this very situation. And because I have a slight bias when it comes to writing. I feel bad when I see a character that an artist worked hard on get mocked like that but I also understand there just jokes. As a black man who very recently just got harassed and called the N word in public hearing a black character get called noose neck just hit a bit too close to home for a moment

Daniel Gonzalez

Holy shit did i miss something 50+ comments seems like a lot no then again its the weekend and no one probably has anything better to do time to catch up on anything i missed

Daniel Gonzalez

Holy shit did i miss something 50+ comments seems like a lot no then again its the weekend and no one probably has anything better to do time to catch up on anything i missed


I know I'm a little late to the comments and I can see that something happened with the 50+ comments but as an irishman I gotta say you lads in America fight allot. I live in one of the whitest country on earth and I am whiter than white and I can say that one of my closest friends is a black man that I've known for ages. Let's try and leave the goosh here focused on anime related stuff and leave out real life stuff outside. Otherwise this place could become as toxic as the YouTube community with many people with many different ideas and opinions arguing on what is right and wrong. I would hate for that to happen here since I greatly enjoy this place.


Lol, I expected this argument back in the Soul Society Arc, not now. Weird.


SEND HIM TO THE GALLOWS FOR DISAGREEING. one of us, one of us, one of us


I always wanted to see what Dondechaka and Pesche's faces looked like after Nnoitra ripped their masks off.


Ok, sorry I'm late. Did i miss anything?😁