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Violet is now exceptional at not only the physical, but the emotional, as well!

I WATCH VIOLET EVERGARDEN AT NETFLIX:  https://www.netflix.com/title/80182123  




Oh God no! Not this one!! This hurt my hurt in so many ways!!! I don't know why, but this episode really hurt me bad. My feels couldn't take it.


may I ask what shows comes after this one? or it that a surprise too?

Phillip Ribbink

At least they got a final letter from him. It's a lot better than the usual "We're sorry to inform you that your son has died in battle." There's just something so empty about that. The whole situation reminds me of one of the lesser known characters in the Iliad. A warrior named Iphidamas, who is killed by the King of the Greeks, without ever really getting to enjoy a life of happiness with his new bride. "So there he fell, and slept a sleep of bronze, unhappy youth, far from his wedded wife, —far from the bride of whom he had known no joy."


This episode almost ties for the episode that hit me the most, but episode 10 got to me a little more. I even knew the letter was for the daughter, but I didn’t expect 50 years of birthday letters, plus Violet’s reaction. It caught me by surprise and really got to me.


I started this series because I saw you reacting to it lol and I just binge watch it. Man this anime wrecked me to shreds. I cried at almost all episodes. Can't remember a movie or another tv series where I was this emotionally invested ever before...


I know everyone was hyping episode 10 but for me 11th was the toughest to watch. I don't know...I guess tragic love hits harder.