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Damn, these teases are brutal! I can't figure out what Luffy is conveying to the Straw Hats!

I WATCH ONE PIECE ON VRV: vrv.co/series/GRMG8ZQZR/One-Piece  



Brother E

Timeskip....less than a week away.


Just look a little closer at Luffy's arm... you'd figure it out if you saw what is written. Also Luffy said he hopes his crew will understand and Rayleigh is like "Ya there's a dumb one that might not right away but they'll be fine." Making the end of this episode hilarious 😂


how's that not a spoiler ? let's tell him what's gonna happen next! I wonder if people like you are even thinking before posting comments. Especially after his intro saying he got spoiled with Franky.


So we know who the dull one among the crew is (aside from Luffy)... No surprise there, Mr. directionally challenged xD


Its not oda, its the anime creators, they loooove to stretch stuff out :D


Can we all just agree that Buggy's voice actor is amazing? And that his voice actor probably has damaged vocal cords from all the scream talk Buggy has to do?? LOL


You can really hear that aneurysm brewing in Zoro's head from thinking too hard.


Also it sounds like Zoro just nutted at the end lmao


The thing with Buggy is the wisest decision the world government has ever made


I can't remember how long it is till they reveal exactly what that was. Needless to say though, it absolutely is.


Just throwing it out there, Zoro didn't get the message. Of course Zoro would be the one to not get the message. To check up on the rest of the Straw Hats: Sadly on this day, Usopp retired from being the Straw Hat's sniper... he has taken up the roll of sumo wrestler. Franky has evolved from "pervert" to "butterface". Nami is still being tormented by the sky wizard and his dreadful spell of "oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi" Robin has somehow become more beautiful, scholars are struggling to understand how this is possible. Chopper has fully become the sweet little cinnamon roll we knew he was. Brook still needs to put on some weight, he's all skin and bones. Sanji is luckily around someone with a good head on his shoulders. And of course Zoro is lost again.