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These characters are so much fun! But this boomer teacher seems almost like he's too good of a guy to be real!  :-D

I WATCH D-FRAG AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/d-frag/  



Mighty Snake

Damn what a nice teacher, I'm lucky to have had similar teachers and it really does make a difference.


Fun fact: The teacher (Shawn Conecone) is based off of Sean Connery. (I've read that in the manga, they didn't even bother changing his name.) I've been pretty exclusively into anime over live-action movies since I was about 7 years old, so I definitely didn't see the resemblance/get the reference when I first watched it. I didn't say anything ahead of time, because I was curious to see if you might. ^^' I don't think it has any significance to anything... just another level of absurdity the writers threw in there.


That’s very cool! I like Sean Connery. “Finding Forrester” is one of my all-time favorites! 😊

Phillip Ribbink

I don't remember Sean Connery ever being this polite. This is the guy who played one of the Bonds with the more risque one-liners. The same guy who also said "Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen."