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Okay, Gang, I'm sure most of you remember our "Bink's Booze" community project. (If you missed it, you can see it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3CoTIN47KY  ) 

I've got something new coming up that I'd like to get you guys involved with. As you know, while not a top-notch singer, I do love singing. So, I'm going to be doing some more songs; some covers and some more originals.

For this first one, I'd love to have video footage of the part of the world in which you live. Just shoot some video (If on your phone, please remember to orient it in landscape - sideways) of your favorite spot(s) around where you live... It can be anything: hillsides, mountains, cities, desserts; everything and anything will be great!

IMPORTANT: Please title your video file with a descriptive of where it's from. You can be specific or vague. (For instance, if it were me, I could just put "upstate New York".) Also, if you'd like your name or screen name to be credited as well, just add that to the file name. (For instance: Curtis Candy - Upstate New York.)

You can get the vids to me by uploading them to your YouTube account, a MEGA upload or whatever method is most convenient for you. As my music guy is still putting the music together for me, and I will be away Monday - Wednesday, you've got plenty of time to shoot your vids.

Make the video as long as you'd like. I'll edit down whatever I need. If we get a big number of submissions, I'll roll some of them over to the next song, which is also one that is perfect for this type of thing.  :-)

Any questions or anything, please just hit me with them in the comments on this thread.

 OH!... And, of course, just shoot me your video link in a PM here at The GOOSH.  :-) 



I have just the spot in mind to film! Are we just filming the nature shots? Not ourselves or anyone else? I'll try to go out tomorrow so I don't forget!


I feel like there's a "this land is your land" vibe from what you're talking about... which is a song that would suit your voice


You say as long as you want, but is there a minimum length you'd be expecting?


You are more than welcome to have yourself and/or others in the shot, as long as everyone is okay with having their image posted here and at YouTube. :-)


Not at all... Just enough time for us viewers to get a quick feel for what we're seeing. :-)


ohh im defo taking part, looking forward to this


I like this idea!


I know your gonna see it yourself lol but where I'm gonna shoot is Niagara falls canada.

Nate D.

awuh man Dont want to double down on the upstate new york so ill stay out of it


No, by all means, jump aboard! I like the idea of people seeing the variety of upstate NY. 😊

Benjamin Myers

Oh shit say less this one will be easy binks Booze was hella fun